This poster features a soldier attacking a snake labeled "syphilis and gonorrhea." It advises servicemen to practice abstinence, condoms, and prophylaxis stations.
"Abstinence is the safest measure otherwise 1. use a contraceptive (rubber) 2.…
"THAT the 483 squadron has the 8 BALL with the only VENEREAL DISEASE case for OCT : THAT the man got his infection while on furlough : THAT he did not wear a rubber or take a PRO : THAT the PLAQUE for best effort will be awarded to the 486th squadron…
This poster would have been put in pharmacy windows to signal their participation in the campaign to promote adequate education and treatment about syphilis.
Two older men sit having a drink. One says, "My boy was wounded in the African landing." The other man, looking disappointed, replies, "Mine was wounded in this country by a street walker."
This poster tells the story of Private Blotz who contracts VD.
"Citation: George Q. Blotz, A.S.N. 00000000. Private. For conspicuous stupidity on the field of dishonor. On the night of August 4, 1942 Pvt. Blotz went to the town nearest his post.…
"Use a Prophylactic: Go to a Prophylactic Station"
This poster shows a woman calling a serviceman into her room from off the street. A poster in her room and a small Japanese figure tugging on the serviceman's leg associates the woman with the…
This poster juxtaposes an image of Hirohito and an silhouette of a young woman, warning that they are both threats to the war effort. It also uses statistics to convey the significant cost of venereal disease.
"Don't let V.D. do this to you! PROPHYLAXIS will see you through."This poster features an image of a blind man walking with a cane. It warns audiences to use prophylaxis to prevent these effects.
This poster shows a serviceman who was left behind because of VD. He watches a boat sail off into the sunset while a large hand labeled VD holds him on the shore.
"Ask for a free copy of 'Furlough soldier' at the infirmary before leaving"
This poster shows an African American soldier holding a suitcase and leaving for a furlough. It also encourages servicemen to pick up a copy of a pamphlet.