Browse Items (6 total)

1938 Horse and Buggy.gif
These photographs show young people parading around the Kips Bay Yorkville area of New York City to promote their anti-syphilis campaign. They are dressed as pilgrims and driving a horse and buggy to bring attention to outdated and backwards ideas…

1945 CT Druggist Window Display.gif
This photograph shows a anti-syphilis display in a drugstore window for National Social Hygiene Day.

1940 Drugstore Window.gif
This photograph shows a display about the syphilis campaign in the window of a drugstore in New York City.

1944 Army Posters.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease : Pro Stations in this Area at All Dispensaries"

This poster uses Japanese stereotypes and warns audiences that gonorrhea (clap) threatens the war effort.

1937 Batchelor Isnt If Fair to Warn Her.jpg
This is an ASHA order form for posters versions of cartoon titled, "Isn't it fair to warn her?""'Three-fourths of all syphilis infections are acquired by young people between the ages of 16 and 30 years.' : Isn't it fair to warn her? : Syphilis Can…

1942 How to Check Prostitution.gif
This infographic shows the different ways to prevent prostitution.
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