Browse Items (78 total)

1942-44 For Prevention of Venereal Diseases.jpg
This poster details how to use mechanical and chemical prophylaxis.

1942-44 IV Triste Fin.jpg
The caption in this poster is in Italian. Lamenting that contracting VD is a sad end to a furlough, it also warns viewers to use prophylaxis.

1944 Most Promiscuous Women .jpg
This poster warns men to avoid promiscuous women. It also includes a map of prophylaxis station locations.

"Don't take a chance, Take a Pro"

1943 They Dont Mix Comic.jpg
This comic poster emphasizes that servicemen, especially when intoxicated, should use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Stupid Cupid 7.jpg
This comic poster shows a serviceman who picks up a woman at a dance hall and fails to use prophylaxis. He ends up in the VD ward.

1942-44 Pro-tection Chart.jpg
This poster shows the various locations where servicemen at the Laurinburg-Maxton Army Air Base can get prophylaxis.

1942-44 Your Country Needs You.jpg
This poster warns that VD is a threat to the war effort.

1943 Axis Partners .jpg
This comic poster shows a serviceman leaving a brothel and then being stalked by anthropomorphized syphilis and gonorrhea germs. The germs are presented as German and Japanese stereotypes. They try to prevent the young man from going to the…

do not believe him 1919.jpg
This poster warns young men not to have causal sex because it is likely they will contract VD.

"If some 'wise guy' tells you that sexual intercourse is not dangerous, the facts are: A girl who would yield to one man has probably had relations…

1944 Army Posters.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease : Pro Stations in this Area at All Dispensaries"

This poster uses Japanese stereotypes and warns audiences that gonorrhea (clap) threatens the war effort.

1944 Pro Station Map.jpg
This poster shows the locations of prophylactic stations in Panama City and Tyndall Field. There are stations for separate stations for African American and white soldiers and officers. The border has cartoon images of servicemen and pick-ups.

1943 Wake Up!.jpg
"Defend Yourself Against Venereal Disease, Take a Prophylaxis"

1943 Easy to Get.jpg
"Don't take a chance--Take a Pro"

This poster warns that venereal diseases are easy to get. It shows a serviceman outside a bar with a woman. A prophylaxis station is across the street.

1942-44 Your Stay Here is Temporary.jpg
This poster warns soldiers stationed in Asia to avoid VD through abstinence or prophylaxis use.

"Abstinence is the safest measure! Otherwise: 1. Use a contraceptive (rubber) plus 2. Immedicate prophylaxis treatment (know the locations of 'pro'…

1942-44 You Must Play Safe.jpg
This poster advises audiences to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 When Speed Counts.jpg
This poster advertises a new prophylaxis kit.

1942-44 Wait Soldier!.jpg
"Don't let V.D. do this to you! PROPHYLAXIS will see you through."This poster features an image of a blind man walking with a cane. It warns audiences to use prophylaxis to prevent these effects.

1942-44 Throw Money Away.jpg
"Don't Take a Chance Take a 'Pro'!!"

This poster promotes prophylaxis use and portrays it as common sense.

1942-44 Thoroughbred.jpg
This poster promotes prophylaxis.

1942-44 The New One Tube.jpg
"Ask about it : Learn! : Avoid Disease"

This poster advertises new prophylaxis methods to servicemen.

1942-44 Streamlined for GIs.jpg
"Simple, Easy, Effective : Always Use Soap and Water First"

This poster advertises that a new prophylactic kit is available for servicemen.

1942-44 Protect Yourself!.jpg
"Use a rubber : Wash with soap and water : Take prophylaxis : These are weapons against syphilis and clap."

1942-44 Prophylaxis Octopus 2.jpg
A sword labeled prophylaxis cuts off the tentacles of an octopus labeled VD. The arms have the names of different venereal diseases on them.

1942-44 Once the Was a Man.jpg
This poster tells the story of a man who gets drunk, fails to use prophylaxis, and ends up with VD. Part of the "Rum and Women Just Don't Mix Series."

“Once there was a [man]. He thought he was a very smart [man] and said that the [posters] were…

1942-44 New Pro Kit 20.jpg
"Always Use Soap and Water First"

This poster promotes a new prophylaxis kit. It features the character Cpl. Emax.

1942-44 New Pro Kit 2.jpg
This poster promotes new prophylaxis kits. It features the character Cpl. Emax.

1942-44 Let Nothing Stop You.jpg
This poster promotes prophylaxis.

1942-44 Know Your Enemy Time.jpg
"Gonorrhea Steals Time : Use a Prophylactic : Go to a Prophylactic Station"

A large hand labeled gonorrhea reaches for a clock. The poster advises audiences to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Know Your Enemy Syphilis.jpg
"Use a Prophylactic: Go to a Prophylactic Station"

This poster shows a woman calling a serviceman into her room from off the street. A poster in her room and a small Japanese figure tugging on the serviceman's leg associates the woman with the…

1942-44 Knock Out This Enemy.jpg
"Don't Be a Casualty to Venereal Disease : It can happen to you! PROphylaxis PROvides Protection!"

This poster advises audiences to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Kill This Partner 2.jpg
This poster shows the Axis leaders and a mosquito labeled "VD" surrounding a swastika.

1942-44 Its Here.jpg
"Simple, Easy, Effective"

Cpl. Emax announces that a military has a new Pro Kit.

1942-44 How to Take a Pro.jpg
"You May Fail Your Country if You Fail to Keep Fit : Faltaria a Su Pais Si Ud. No Esta en Salud"

This poster explains how to use chemical prophylaxis in Spanish and English.

1942-44 Hooey Phooey.jpg
This poster shows a service men blowing off a poster warning men about drinking and contracting VD from women. Later and clearly intoxicated, he fails to stop at the prophylaxis station. Three germ characters watch him realize he is infected and go…

1942-44 Help Fight Syphilis and Gonorrhea.jpg
This poster features a soldier attacking a snake labeled "syphilis and gonorrhea." It advises servicemen to practice abstinence, condoms, and prophylaxis stations.

"Abstinence is the safest measure otherwise 1. use a contraceptive (rubber) 2.…

1942-44 Help Close this Clinic  2.jpg
"Help Close This Clinic!"

This poster features a venereal disease clinic with a swastika on the roof. It advises servicemen to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 For Protection Use Prophylaxis.jpg
This poster advises servicemen to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Easy Pick-ups!.jpg
"'NO'S, the best tactic...the next, PROPHYLACTIC!"

1942-44 Dont Drop the Ball.jpg
"Use Prophylaxis!"

This poster advices audiences to use prophylaxis and features an image of men playing baseball.

1942-44 Don't Sweat It Out.jpg
"If you've been exposed...Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease"

This poster advises servicemen to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Did You Know.jpg
"THAT the 483 squadron has the 8 BALL with the only VENEREAL DISEASE case for OCT : THAT the man got his infection while on furlough : THAT he did not wear a rubber or take a PRO : THAT the PLAQUE for best effort will be awarded to the 486th squadron…

1942-44 Danger.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease"

1942-44 Common Sense Protection.jpg
This poster features an image of a soldier in gas mask, drawing parallels between that protection and VD prophylaxis.

1942-44 Carelessness.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease"

1942-44 Buddy Its Great to Know Youre Safe 2.jpg
"'NO' is the best tactic, the next, PROPHYLACTIC"This poster features images of servicemen outside a prophylactic station and advises audiences to use prophylaxis if they engage in sexual activity.

1942-44 Big Step Forward.jpg
"The New Pro Kit : Simple, Easy, Effective"

This poster features a cartoon of a serviceman, Cpl. Emax, and promotes a new pro kit.

1942-44 Beam.jpg
This poster warns audiences to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 2 Point Technique 2.jpg
"1 Careless with a Pick-Up 2 Carless with a Prophylactic"

In this poster, Uncle Same warns servicemen about pick-ups and using prophylaxis.

1942 Knock Out VD.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease!"This poster advises servicemen to use soap, silver, a mercury--prophlyaxis--to prevent VD.

1942 Fool the Axis.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease!"This poster features cartoons of the Axis leaders as syphilis, gonorrhea, and chanchroid. Two hold syringes and one holds a woman in lingere with a skull and crossbones.
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