This poster shows a serviceman's hand reaching up out of the water and warns that VD hurts the war effort. Part of the "Rum and Women Just Don't Mix Series."
"Torpedoed? You Bet Your Life! Hitler didn't do it..but he might just as well have. This…
A prostitute in heavy makeup toasts a glass of champagne labeled "venereal diseases." The poster also equates pick-ups, street walkers, and prostitutes with the Axis.
In this comic a sailor contracts VD from a pick-up, uses quack medicine to try and cure the illness, and then is sick in the midst of battle. Later his fellow sailors chastise him and tell him to see the medical officer.
"...Whether or Not You Get a Venereal Disease You Still Are Gambling With the Freedom of Your Country by Your Carelessness"This poster warns soldiers that failing to use prophylaxis threatens the nation.
This poster shows a serviceman who was left behind because of VD. He watches a boat sail off into the sunset while a large hand labeled VD holds him on the shore.
This poster juxtaposes an image of Hirohito and an silhouette of a young woman, warning that they are both threats to the war effort. It also uses statistics to convey the significant cost of venereal disease.
"Use a Prophylactic: Go to a Prophylactic Station"
This poster shows a woman calling a serviceman into her room from off the street. A poster in her room and a small Japanese figure tugging on the serviceman's leg associates the woman with the…
This poster urges community participation in VD control to strengthen the war effort. This version has been personalized for use by a industrial health program in Fort Greene, an area in Brooklyn, NY.
This image conveys that venereal disease is a threat to industrial production and the war effort. Gonorrhea and syphilis appear as planes bombing a factory while a worker looks on.
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease!"This poster features cartoons of the Axis leaders as syphilis, gonorrhea, and chanchroid. Two hold syringes and one holds a woman in lingere with a skull and crossbones.
This cartoon shows Hitler pinning a medal on a figure labeled "V.D. Cases" along with others representing "Admiral Complacency," "General Rumor," and "Fifth Columnist Saboteur."