This comic shows the positive choices soldiers make when a town provides them with "wholesome recreation" and social events, nice places to stay, and "nice" girls to spend time with. At the end of the comic, Bill and Jim comment that they enjoyed…
This comic strip shows a couple, Frank and Ann, who consult their physician and get premarital syphilis exams. There is also text accompanying the strip that gives more information.
This comic strip shows the initiation of an industry syphilis control program. It makes clear that screening employees for syphilis improves efficiency and that results will be confidential.
This comic strip shows Jane consulting her doctor and getting a prenatal syphilis test. She has a healthy baby. There is also text accompanying the strip that gives more information.
This poster features a soldier attacking a snake labeled "syphilis and gonorrhea." It advises servicemen to practice abstinence, condoms, and prophylaxis stations.
"Abstinence is the safest measure otherwise 1. use a contraceptive (rubber) 2.…
This poster shows a service men blowing off a poster warning men about drinking and contracting VD from women. Later and clearly intoxicated, he fails to stop at the prophylaxis station. Three germ characters watch him realize he is infected and go…
"Outbreak of syphilis infections in a rural county : Monroe County, Tennessee"
This is an epidemiological chart that shows how one syphilis epidemic spread. This image was created earlier in the 1930s. Here it appears with a new heading.
This chart shows the results of an epidemiological investigation of cases of syphilis.
"A physician in a middlewestern city asked the State Health Department to trace the source of infection in 3 cases of newly acquired infectious syphilis in his…
This infographic shows how syphilis is spread in prostitution and marriage. These graphics are based on case records from the NY State Department of Health. The image is from a reprint of the July 1936 article…
This comic poster shows servicemen talking about women. One brags he can tell from looking at a woman if she has syphilis. They seek out the medical officer to settle the debate. He explains that only a blood test can confirm if someone has syphilis…
"How syphilis was discovered in 1000 consecutive cases referred to the syphilis clinic by other divisions of the Johns Hopkins Dispensary : Data from Albert Keidel, M.D., Archives of Dermotology and Syphilology, Vol. 25, p. 470, 1932."
This pictorial statistic shows syphilis rates among different African American communities. It uses a symbol of a man with a spirochete on his chest to represent the statistic. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book,…
This cartoon shows Hitler pinning a medal on a figure labeled "V.D. Cases" along with others representing "Admiral Complacency," "General Rumor," and "Fifth Columnist Saboteur."
This poster uses a graphic picture of a child with congenital syphilis to warn that men's decisions to have premarital sex can have drastic effects for their future children.
"A man may transmit syphilis to his children. His children's children…
"In 1942 This Station Had: [Blank] Cases of Venereal Disease : Prophylaxis Taken Promptly After Exposure Would Have Prevented Them : Venereal Disease Helps the Enemy"