Browse Items (12 total)
- Tags: blind
"The Venereal Menace: An Exhibit for Adults"
Tags: blind, children, germ, lab, law, marriage, menace, microscope, microscopic view, pick-up, prostitution, quack, recreation, sex ed
"The Infected Person May Choose"
"The A-B-C of Syphilis"
This pamphlet includes short entires about syphilis in alphabetical order. It was included in National Social Hygiene Day Program Kits.
Tags: blind, blood test, casual contact, children, clinic, cup, death, efficiency, family, gonorrhea, health, heart disease, home, husband, kiss, law, marriage, mental illness, microscope, microscopic view, NSHD, parent, pregnancy, premarital exam, promiscuity, prophylaxis, prostitute, quack, sex, snake, spirochete, sports, syphilis, treatment, Wasserman, wife, youth
"Syphilis May Cause"
This poster warns audiences about the effects of syphilis.
Tags: blind, blood test, deaf, heart disease, mental illness, syphilis
"Syphilis A Cause of Blindness"
Tags: blind, crutch / cane, glasses, man, spirochete, statistic, syphilis
"Medal of Horror"
Tags: blind, crutch / cane, cup, glasses, serviceman, syphilis
"Good Blood" (Detail--Blind Man)
This pamphlet about syphilis was created for African American audiences. It includes information about causes, symptoms, testing, treatment, and effects. While it does use the word "syphilis" a few times, it…
"Gonorrhea Causes Blindness - Arthritis, Invalidism and Misery"
"It can be prevented and cured : For examination and free pamphlets go to your doctor or Dept. of Health clinic."
"Did You Know"
Tags: blind, line graph, military, prophylaxis, statistic, syphilis
"Blinded by Gonorrhea"
"If the mother has gonorrhea, her child may be blinded at birth :…
"Blind Boys"
"These boys are blind because their mothers had gonorrhea, in most cases contracted from the father. Most of the blindness in children is…
Tags: blind, children, father, gonorrhea, photograph