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- Tags: children
Shadow on the Land (Syphilis) Exhibit
"The secretion of the ovaries makes the girl grow into a woman : The secretion in the testes makes the boy grow into a man : The ovaries and testes also…
Tags: children
Public Health Exhibit Exhibit
Tags: children, infectious disease, polio, rickets, TB
Keeping Fit Promotion Brochure (African American)
Tags: African American, children, mother, photograph, recreation, social hygiene, sports, woman
Defective Baby
"The man who has contracted gonorrhea or syphilis may bring suffering upon the innocent. When he marries,…
Know For Sure
Tags: blood test, children, clinic, death, germ, microscope, microscopic view, pick-up, prostitute, quack, syphilis, treatment
"What Kind of Parents Will YOUR Children Have?"
Tags: children, military, social hygiene
"Wassermann in Newborn Babies in Relation to Treatment of Mother during Pregnancy"
"The Venereal Menace: An Exhibit for Adults"
Tags: blind, children, germ, lab, law, marriage, menace, microscope, microscopic view, pick-up, prostitution, quack, recreation, sex ed
"The Things That Count"
Tags: children, enemy, family, prostitution, social hygiene
"The Infected Person May Choose"
"The Great Crippler"
LOC Notes: Produced for the town of Hempstead Health Dept.
Tags: children, crutch / cane, shadow, syphilis
"The A-B-C of Syphilis"
This pamphlet includes short entires about syphilis in alphabetical order. It was included in National Social Hygiene Day Program Kits.
Tags: blind, blood test, casual contact, children, clinic, cup, death, efficiency, family, gonorrhea, health, heart disease, home, husband, kiss, law, marriage, mental illness, microscope, microscopic view, NSHD, parent, pregnancy, premarital exam, promiscuity, prophylaxis, prostitute, quack, sex, snake, spirochete, sports, syphilis, treatment, Wasserman, wife, youth
"Syphilis: A Message to the Negroes of Mississippi"
Tags: African American, arm, blood test, children, DOH, physician, syphilis, tourniquet, woman
"Syphilis, Its Cause, Its Spread..Its Cure!" (Detail--Cause, Spread, Cure)
Detail from an educational pamphlet by the USPHS on syphilis. This graphic summarizes the information included in the pamphlet about the cause,…
"Syphilis and the Unborn"
"Stamp Out Syphilis"
"Every baby is entitled to be born healthy : Blood test & examination should be made before marriage by your doctor or Bureau of Social Hygiene Clinic, 51…
"Parents Are the Child's First and Best Social Hygiene Teachers!"
"If your child asks a question regarding sex, answer it simply, naturally, and in your own…
"Outcome of Latent Untreated Syphilis in Pregnancy" (Survey Graphic Reprint)
"Outcome of Latent Untreated Syphilis During Pregnancy"
"Outbreak of Syphilis in a Rural County, Monroe County, Tennessee"
Tags: children, congenital syphilis, contacts, family, prostitute, rural, sex, south, wife
"Outbreak of Gonorrhea among Pupils of a Public Elementary School"
Tags: children, contacts, family, father, homosexual, mother, prostitute, school
"Our Family Are Having Their Blood Tests Like Thousands of Others"
Tags: African American, blood test, children, family, father, man, mother, photograph, physician, syphilis, test tube, tourniquet, woman
"My Boy Was Wounded"
Tags: children, cigar, father, man, military, prostitute, shame, street, street walker
"Live up to it soldier--"
Tags: children, gonorrhea, prophylaxis, serviceman, soldier, syphilis
"Inherited Syphilis"
"A man may transmit syphilis to his children. His children's children…
Tags: children, congenital syphilis, father
"How Syphilis Spreads" (Survey Graphic Reprint)
This infographic shows how syphilis is spread in prostitution and marriage. These graphics are based on case records from the NY State Department of Health. The image is from a reprint of the July 1936 article…
Tags: children, death, marriage, microscopic view, prostitution, spirochete, syphilis
"How Syphilis Spreads Through Prostitution"
This is an epidemiological chart that shows how one syphilis epidemic spread. This image was created earlier in the 1930s. Here it appears with a new heading.
Tags: children, congenital syphilis, contacts, family, man, prostitute, prostitution, rural, sex, south, syphilis, wife, woman
"Health Helps: Jane Has a Healthy Baby"
"Health Helps: Frank and Ann Guard Against Syphilis"
Tags: blood test, children, couple, family, man, marriage, physician, premarital exam, syphilis, woman
"For Home and Country."
Three figures, a soldier, a sailor, and a pilot, salute a woman and child sitting outside a suburban home. A US flag flies in front of the house. The text advises servicemen to avoid venereal disease with their family and…
"Fell'as You Bet I'm Going to Think--"
This poster appeals to servicemen's concerns about family, warning that VD could threaten their future plans. It features an image of a young woman and a baby.
"Expectation of Life at Birth" (Survey Graphic Reprint)
Tags: African American, children, grave, life expectancy
"Expectant Mothers!"
"You Can Have A Healthy Baby : Ask your Doctor to give you a Careful Physical Examination including Blood Test as soon as you know a Baby is Coming."