This comic strip shows Jane consulting her doctor and getting a prenatal syphilis test. She has a healthy baby. There is also text accompanying the strip that gives more information.
This poster uses a graphic picture of a child with congenital syphilis to warn that men's decisions to have premarital sex can have drastic effects for their future children.
"A man may transmit syphilis to his children. His children's children…
Two older men sit having a drink. One says, "My boy was wounded in the African landing." The other man, looking disappointed, replies, "Mine was wounded in this country by a street walker."
This is the cover to a syphilis pamphlet created for African American audiences. It shows a mother getting her blood drawn for a blood test while her husband and daughter look on.
This chart shows how gonorrhea was spread among children who attended the same school. It highlights "perversion contact," school contact, and family contact.