This image conveys that venereal disease is a threat to industrial production and the war effort. Gonorrhea and syphilis appear as planes bombing a factory while a worker looks on.
This cartoon warns that women with venereal disease are threats to military men. Two women are shown waiting on a corner, smoking. They are labeled "gonorrhea" and "syphilis." A sign shows that military bases are nearby.
This poster conveys that prostitution spreads venereal disease to servicemen. A soldier is labeled "The Young, The Brave, The Strong." The woman speaking is labeled prostitution. Behind her stand two female figures with skeletal faces identified as…
"Pick-ups Spread Syphilis and Gonorrhea : If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station immediately if possible."
"Guard Against Syphilis and Gonorrhea : If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station immediately if possible."
"Guard Against Syphilis and Gonorrhea : If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station or use the individual 'PRO-KIT'…
"If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station immediately if possible."
This is one poster in a series featuring "Private Caution." It…
"Pick-ups Spread Syphilis and Gonorrhea : If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station immediately if possible."
"'I bet you're stronger 'n' braver than anybody!' : Guard Against Syphilis and Gonorrhea : If you have sex relations.. 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station…
"Pick-ups spread Syphilis and Gonorrhea : Guard against infection : If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station immediately if possible.…