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- Tags: gonorrhea
"Help Fight Syphilis and Gonorrhea"
"Abstinence is the safest measure otherwise 1. use a contraceptive (rubber) 2.…
Tags: abstinence, gonorrhea, military, prophylaxis, serviceman, snake, soldier, syphilis
"Your Face is So Familiar"
Tags: gonorrhea, hospital bed, night, pick-up, prophylaxis, serviceman, syphilis, VD ward
"Fool the Axis--Use Prophylaxis"
"Gonorrhea and Syphilis Lead Among Communicable Diseases"
"The A-B-C of Syphilis"
This pamphlet includes short entires about syphilis in alphabetical order. It was included in National Social Hygiene Day Program Kits.
Tags: blind, blood test, casual contact, children, clinic, cup, death, efficiency, family, gonorrhea, health, heart disease, home, husband, kiss, law, marriage, mental illness, microscope, microscopic view, NSHD, parent, pregnancy, premarital exam, promiscuity, prophylaxis, prostitute, quack, sex, snake, spirochete, sports, syphilis, treatment, Wasserman, wife, youth
"Syphilis is Bad Business"
"1. Health every employee get a blood test, especially accident and chronic sickness cases. 2. Keep examination results condiential between doctor,…
Tags: blood test, court, DOH, employee, gonorrhea, infographic, physician, pictorial statistic, sports, syphilis, syringe
"Diseases of Youth, Syphilis and Gonorrhea"
This poster compares the prevalence of primary syphilis among different age groups of men and women. The text and the bar graph indicate that young people have the highest rates.
Tags: bar graph, gonorrhea, infographic, pictorial statistic, prevalence, statistic, syphilis, youth
Herald of Social Hygiene (Health Helps Comic Strip)
"Blinded by Gonorrhea"
"If the mother has gonorrhea, her child may be blinded at birth :…
"A man who would…
Tags: germ, gonorrhea, kiss, microscopic view, syphilis
Pharmacy Window Display
"Two Girls I Know What to Meet You in the Worst Way"
Tags: gonorrhea, prostitute, prostitution, serviceman, skeleton, syphilis, woman
"Warning: These Enemies Are Still Lurking Around"
"They Don't Mix"
Tags: gonorrhea, physician, prophylaxis, serviceman, syphilis
"Knock Out V.D."
Tags: battle, cannon, chancroid, gonorrhea, plane, prophylaxis, serviceman, syphilis, VD
"Two New Gremlins!"
Tags: chain, gonorrhea, plane, serviceman, syphilis
"Stamp Out Syphilis and Gonorrhea"
"Have you had your blood test and examination : Go to your doctor of dept. of health : Bureau of Social Hygiene, 51 Stuyvesant Place, S.I."
Tags: blood test, DOH, exam, gonorrhea, syphilis
"No Home Remedy Ever Cured Gonorrhea"
Tags: bottle, cure, gonorrhea, home remedy, quack
"Penicillin for Gonorrhea Works 95 Times Out of 100"
This poster conveys that penicillin is an effective treatment for gonorrhea but warns that it does not work in all cases.
Tags: gonorrhea, penicillin, sailor, statistic, treatment
"Syphilis and Gonorrhea...the Axis Partners"
Tags: axis, germ, germany, gonococci, gonorrhea, green light, hitler, japan, prophylaxis, red light, serviceman, spirochete, syphilis
"Prophylaxis" Octopus
Tags: animal, gonorrhea, prophylaxis, serviceman, sword, syphilis
"Are We Checking the Great Plague"
"Easy to Get..Syphilis and Gonorrhea"
This poster warns that venereal diseases are easy to get. It shows a serviceman outside a bar with a woman. A prophylaxis station is across the street.
Tags: bar, corner, gonorrhea, man, night, prophylaxis, serviceman, street, syphilis, woman
"Your Stay Here is TEMPORARY, Syphilis and Gonorrhea are Permanent!"
"Abstinence is the safest measure! Otherwise: 1. Use a contraceptive (rubber) plus 2. Immedicate prophylaxis treatment (know the locations of 'pro'…
Tags: abstinence, gonorrhea, military, prophylaxis, syphilis
"Don't Be a Dope...Play Safe!"
"Gonorrhea Can Be Cured Quickly, Cheaply, Painlessly, With New Drugs"
This poster conveys that gonorrhea can easily be cured.
Tags: crutch / cane, cure, gonorrhea, overalls, treatment
"Live up to it soldier--"
Tags: children, gonorrhea, prophylaxis, serviceman, soldier, syphilis
"Men Who Know Say No to Prostitutes, Spreaders of Syphilis and Gonorrhea"
Tags: gonorrhea, pilot, prostitute, sailor, serviceman, soldier, syphilis
"Private Caution Says...'Don't Take Chances'"
This is one poster in…
Tags: gonorrhea, military, parachute, pick-up, plane, Private Caution, prophylaxis, serviceman, syphilis, umbrella
"Private Caution Says...Guard Against Syphilis and Gonorrhea"
This is one poster in a series featuring "Private Caution." It…
Tags: gonorrhea, military, Private Caution, prophylaxis, serviceman, syphilis
"Private Caution Says...'Watch Out, Buddy, Or You'll Catch It!'"
Tags: dice, gonorrhea, MP, Private Caution, pro-kit, prophylaxis, serviceman, syphilis
"Private Caution Says...'Watch Your Step, Soldier!"
This is one poster in a…
Tags: gonorrhea, march, Private Caution, prophylaxis, serviceman, syphilis
"Private Caution Says...'Wake Up, Soldier!'"
This is one poster in…
Tags: gonorrhea, military, pick-up, Private Caution, serviceman, syphilis
"Self-Control is Self-Preservation"
This poster warns servicemen to avoid pick-ups, sources of VD.
Tags: bar, gonorrhea, man, pick-up, self-control, serviceman, shadow, street, syphilis, woman