"Parents Are the Child's First and Best Social Hygiene Teachers!"
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"Parents Are the Child's First and Best Social Hygiene Teachers!"
This poster urges parents to deal frankly with their children's questions about sex, connecting social hygiene education to their future success.
"If your child asks a question regarding sex, answer it simply, naturally, and in your own language--not book language. Remember, it is just another question to your child--and only a sex question because you know its later significance. Flatter yourself that you are a better teacher than the street, the alley, the gutter. Whether your child will be a stenographer or an engineer, it will probably be a parent. Keep it sexually fit for parenthood! Your city, state and traveling libraries have fine approved books to help you. Your child believes you are the best parent it could have. Meet that inspiring faith."
"If your child asks a question regarding sex, answer it simply, naturally, and in your own language--not book language. Remember, it is just another question to your child--and only a sex question because you know its later significance. Flatter yourself that you are a better teacher than the street, the alley, the gutter. Whether your child will be a stenographer or an engineer, it will probably be a parent. Keep it sexually fit for parenthood! Your city, state and traveling libraries have fine approved books to help you. Your child believes you are the best parent it could have. Meet that inspiring faith."
American Social Health Association Records (1905-2005), University of Minnesota, Social Welfare History Archives, ASHA, Parents are the Child's First and Best Social Hygiene Teachers!, circa 1942, Box 177, Folder 25.
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ASHA and The Social Hygiene Division, Wisconsin State Board of Health, “"Parents Are the Child's First and Best Social Hygiene Teachers!",” Venereal Disease Visual History Archive, accessed February 16, 2025, https://vdarchive.newmedialab.cuny.edu/items/show/136.
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