"Another Enemy to National Defense"

1942-44 Another Enemy 2.jpg

Dublin Core


"Another Enemy to National Defense"


This poster juxtaposes an image of Hirohito and an silhouette of a young woman, warning that they are both threats to the war effort. It also uses statistics to convey the significant cost of venereal disease.

"Men of the armed forces...guard against Venereal Disease! The present annual cost of care for the syphilitic insane and blind is more than $41,000,000 -- It's patriotic to keep well!"


National Archives, Record Group 112: Records of the Office of the Surgeon General (Army), Series: Posters Promoting Venereal Disease Prevention and the Prevention of Other Diseases, circa 1942-1944.


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Proctor, artist and 913th Engineers Air Force Headquarters Company, Army Air Forces School of Applied Tactics, Orlando, FL, “"Another Enemy to National Defense",” Venereal Disease Visual History Archive, accessed February 13, 2025, https://vdarchive.newmedialab.cuny.edu/items/show/193.


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