"Know Your Enemy, Syphilis"

1942-44 Know Your Enemy Syphilis.jpg

Dublin Core


"Know Your Enemy, Syphilis"


"Use a Prophylactic: Go to a Prophylactic Station"

This poster shows a woman calling a serviceman into her room from off the street. A poster in her room and a small Japanese figure tugging on the serviceman's leg associates the woman with the Axis.


National Archives, Record Group 112: Records of the Office of the Surgeon General (Army), Series: Posters Promoting Venereal Disease Prevention and the Prevention of Other Diseases, circa 1942-1944.


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Pfc. Andrew M. Huba and Cpl. Charles W. Brannan, artists, “"Know Your Enemy, Syphilis",” Venereal Disease Visual History Archive, accessed February 13, 2025, https://vdarchive.newmedialab.cuny.edu/items/show/225.


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