"Beware of Chance Acquaintances"
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"Beware of Chance Acquaintances"
This poster warns women not to associate with men they don't know. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."
"'Pick-up' acquaintances often take girls autoriding, to cafés, and to theatres with the intention of leading them into sex relations. Disease or child-birth may follow : Avoid the man who tries to take liberties with you : He is selfishly thoughtless and inconsiderate of you : Believe no one who says it is necessary to indulge sex desire : Know the men you associate with"
"'Pick-up' acquaintances often take girls autoriding, to cafés, and to theatres with the intention of leading them into sex relations. Disease or child-birth may follow : Avoid the man who tries to take liberties with you : He is selfishly thoughtless and inconsiderate of you : Believe no one who says it is necessary to indulge sex desire : Know the men you associate with"
American Social Health Association Records (1905-2005), University of Minnesota, Social Welfare History Archives, http://purl.umn.edu/62511.
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YMCA and ASHA, “"Beware of Chance Acquaintances",” Venereal Disease Visual History Archive, accessed January 16, 2025, https://vdarchive.newmedialab.cuny.edu/items/show/341.
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