"The Things That Count"
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"The Things That Count"
"Children! They are the only real wealth that the nation possesses. Will any one contend that every child's heritage should not be a healthy mind and body? Yet hundreds of thousands of them are denied this heritage, just as hundreds of thousands of adults are denied health and happiness they might otherwise have, because of disease which science can wipe out if public sentiment demands it. The American Social Hygiene Association is the voice of organized public opinion against the venereal diseases, just as it is against commercialized prostitution and other enemies of the home and family. It is a cooperative association organized for service, not for profit. Through a monthly bulletin and a quarterly magazine sent free to all members; through motion pictures and posters; through pamphlets and lectures; through lantern slides and placards, and with continual direct-by-mail publicity, it is aiding individuals and communities to know the facts and act upon them. Can YOU afford to be out of touch with the facts? Fill out the attached blank so we can furnish them to you. Can't they be given a fair start?"
American Social Health Association Records (1905-2005), University of Minnesota, Social Welfare History Archives, Box 177, Folder 7-9.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
ASHA, “"The Things That Count",” Venereal Disease Visual History Archive, accessed December 6, 2024, https://vdarchive.newmedialab.cuny.edu/items/show/416.
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