"Diseases of Youth"
Dublin Core
"Diseases of Youth"
"Of all new syphilis Infections, 60% occur In young people between 16 and 30 years of age : 90,000 of the First Two Million Selectees Tested Had Syphilis"
This poster features photos of young people engaging in various activities and warns that syphilis is a disease of youth. It also cites statistics from the syphilis tests of the first men screened under the Selective Service Act.
This poster features photos of young people engaging in various activities and warns that syphilis is a disease of youth. It also cites statistics from the syphilis tests of the first men screened under the Selective Service Act.
National Archives, Record Group 44: Records of the Office of Government Reports, 1932-1947, Series: World War II Posters, compiled 1942-1945, http://research.archives.gov/description/514117.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
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and NARA: Office for Emergency Management. Office of War Information. Domestic Operations Branch. Bureau of Special Services., “"Diseases of Youth",” Venereal Disease Visual History Archive, accessed February 15, 2025, https://vdarchive.newmedialab.cuny.edu/items/show/45.
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