"Importance of the Blood Test as Part of the Patient Examination"

1937* Importance of Blood Test.jpg

Dublin Core


"Importance of the Blood Test as Part of the Patient Examination"


"How syphilis was discovered in 1000 consecutive cases referred to the syphilis clinic by other divisions of the Johns Hopkins Dispensary : Data from Albert Keidel, M.D., Archives of Dermotology and Syphilology, Vol. 25, p. 470, 1932."

This chart shows how many cases of syphilis were discovered by Wassermann exams compared to other means in different medical divisions.



American Social Health Association Records (1905-2005), University of Minnesota, Social Welfare History Archives, Box 177, Folder 18.

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ASHA, “"Importance of the Blood Test as Part of the Patient Examination",” Venereal Disease Visual History Archive, accessed February 13, 2025, https://vdarchive.newmedialab.cuny.edu/items/show/70.


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