In this comic a sailor contracts VD from a pick-up, uses quack medicine to try and cure the illness, and then is sick in the midst of battle. Later his fellow sailors chastise him and tell him to see the medical officer.
In this comic strip, sailors are eager to make it to land so they can meet some women. One sailor picks up a woman in the park at night but flees later when he sees her in the light and she is unattractive. As the sailor runs away, another quips that…
In this comic strip one sailor is interested in picking up a woman at a cafe. His friends warn him that you can catch venereal disease from pick-ups. One of the sailors ends up in the VD ward after leaving with the woman.
In this comic strip, two sailors walk the streets at night. One suggests they check out a brothel. The other declines, explaining that he previously contracted VD that way.
"Pick-ups Spread Syphilis and Gonorrhea : If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station immediately if possible."
"Guard Against Syphilis and Gonorrhea : If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station immediately if possible."
"Guard Against Syphilis and Gonorrhea : If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station or use the individual 'PRO-KIT'…
"If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station immediately if possible."
This is one poster in a series featuring "Private Caution." It…
"Pick-ups Spread Syphilis and Gonorrhea : If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station immediately if possible."
"'I bet you're stronger 'n' braver than anybody!' : Guard Against Syphilis and Gonorrhea : If you have sex relations.. 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station…
"Don't go to a quack doctor : Don't buy home remedies : If you think you have a Venereal Disease...See Your Medical Officer At Once : The Army Has the Best Drugs and the Best Treatment"
This poster discourages servicemen from seeking treatment…
"Pick-ups spread Syphilis and Gonorrhea : Guard against infection : If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station immediately if possible.…
This pictorial statistic compares TB mortality rates between different income groups in white and black communities. It is from a reprint of Parran's article in Survey Graphic on syphilis, TB, and African Americans.
This pictorial statistic compares the income of white and black families in different Southern cities. It is from a reprint of Parran's article in Survey Graphic on syphilis, TB, and African Americans.
This graphic highlights the important steps in controlling TB and syphilis. It is from a reprint of Parran's article in Survey Graphic on syphilis, TB, and African Americans.
This is the cover for an article reprint of Parran's piece in Survey Graphic on syphilis, TB, and African Americans. The cover image features black medical professionals. The cotton on the bottom right references the South.
This infographic contrasts the rates of adequate treatment in the US and Copenhagen, which are approximately 5% and over 90% respectively. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book, Shadow on the Land.
This pictorial statistic contrasts the progression of syphilis in a person who seeks medical care and one who does not. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book, Shadow on the Land.
This pictorial statistic conveys that only a small percentage of children born to syphilitic mothers will be healthy if the mother does receive treatment during the pregnancy. It uses images of babies to represent the statistics. It is a graphic…
This pictorial statistic outlines a plan for controlling syphilis. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book, Shadow on the Land.
This pictorial statistic shows how syphilis spreads between different people. It uses the spirochete symbol to indicate individuals' status. It is modeled after an epidemiological image from the early 1930s. Here, the image is presented without many…
This pictorial statistic compares the incidence of syphilis in New York State and Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Sweden). Though they have roughly equal populations, Scandinavia has a much lower rate of disease. It is a graphic print for an image that…
This pictorial statistic shows syphilis atop a list of health threats including scarlet fever, TB, auto accidents, and diphtheria. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book, Shadow on the Land.
This pictorial statistic conveys that most patients get less that 10 injections of treatment and that only a few injections commonly leads to relapses of syphilis. It uses images of syringes and men sitting and standing to represent the statistics.…
This pictorial statistic conveys that syphilis is responsible for 15% of cases of blindness. It repeats the symbol of a blind man to represent the statistic. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book, Shadow on the Land.
This is a reproduction of the 1/10 infographic originally from the Reader's Digest and Survey Graphic articles by Parran. Here it is included in a pamphlet by Pictorial Statistics, Inc. to highlight their work and the effectiveness of infographics.