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This film documents a mobile trailer clinic program. Though the program only served African Americans in rural Georgia, it is highlighted as a success in syphilis control that could be applied to any population in any part of the nation.
(Click on…

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This film portrays syphilis as a threat to the war effort and urges citizens to help fight against it. It presents public health control methods and "social protection" concerns. Click on the link below to download from OPA.

1940 Men as Fit as Machines.jpg
"regular physical check-ups...with blood tests"

This poster promotes the inclusion of syphilis blood tests in routine physicals.

1940 Von Article 9.jpg
This image is a poster warning audiences about quack treatments. It urges people to see a physician or health officer. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in the US.

Keeping Fit Exhib Photo 1920.jpg
This photograph shows young men looking at a exhibit of social hygiene posters. This page originally appeared in a book titled, Two Years Fighting V.D. (1920) by the USPHS.


1939 Worlds Fair Polio.jpg
This photograph shows an exhibit on public health at the 1939 New York World's Fair. It features displays on infantile paralysis (polio), tuberculosis, rickets, and other issues. There is also an iron lung displayed.

Germs of Syphilis 1919.jpg
This poster shows an image of a scientist in a lab and a microscopic view of syphilis microbes. It also explains the long-term effects of the illness and the effectiveness of early treatment.

"Syphilis may affect any part of the body, including…

1942-1944 In Her Hands.jpg
"Avoid V.D."

This poster warns servicemen to avoid VD and reminds them of their sweethearts at home.

1942-44 Welcome Home.jpg
This poster wards servicemen to "avoid VD" so they can go home "clean" to their families.

1944 VDEI Posters - Version 2.jpg
"Guard them against syphilis, Get a blood test today"

This poster advises audiences to get a blood test. It features an image of an African American mother and her baby.

1943 GA Good Blood Pamphlet.jpg
This pamphlet about syphilis was created for African American audiences. It includes information about causes, symptoms, testing, treatment, and effects. While it does use the word "syphilis" a few times, it primarily uses the phrase "bad blood" to…

1943 GA Bad Blood Pamphlet Prostitute.jpg
These images are from a pamphlet created for African American audiences. It includes information about causes, symptoms, testing, treatment, and effects. While it does use the word "syphilis" a few times, it primarily uses the phrase "bad blood" to…

1943 GA Bad Blood Pamphlet Blind.jpg
"Don't Let This Happen to You"

This pamphlet about syphilis was created for African American audiences. It includes information about causes, symptoms, testing, treatment, and effects. While it does use the word "syphilis" a few times, it…

1943 their health depends on you.jpg
"Destroy Syphilis : Cooperate with Your Local Health Agency"

Keeping Fit AA Posters 1920.jpg
The brochure shows the different posters included in a version of the "Keeping Fit" health exhibit created for African American men.

Venereal Menace Posters 1920.jpg
This brochure shows the PHS version of the "Keeping Fit" poster exhibit for young men.

Beware of Chance Acquaintances 1922.jpg
This poster warns women not to associate with men they don't know. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life.""'Pick-up' acquaintances often take girls autoriding, to cafés, and to theatres with the intention of leading them into…

Danger in Familiarities 1922.jpg
This poster warns about being to familiar with the opposite sex. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life.""The Correct Dancing Position : Conventions are the fences society has built to protect you and the race : Familiarities…

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Secretions 1922.jpg
This poster discusses hormones. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."

"The secretion of the ovaries makes the girl grow into a woman : The secretion in the testes makes the boy grow into a man : The ovaries and testes also…


1922 The Happiness of Children.jpg
This poster associates healthy children with parents who have avoided VD. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."

"A healthy, happy child is the greatest joy-bringer in the world : Healthy, happy children are born of fathers…

Thoughts Affect the Body 1922.jpg
This poster advises young women to have positive thoughts. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."

"The sight or thought of food often causes a flow of gastric juices in the stomach : Anger of joy may mar or make the beauty…

syphilitic baby 1919.jpg
This poster warns viewers that a man may transmit venereal disease to his wife and children. It is part of the "Keeping Fit" poster series.

"The man who has contracted gonorrhea or syphilis may bring suffering upon the innocent. When he marries,…

self control and vd 1919.jpg
This poster warns audiences that engaging in premarital sex results in venereal disease. It is part of the "Keeping Fit" poster series.

"Men who fail to develop self-control sometimes yield to sex temptation to indulge in sexual intercourse with…

purity 1919.jpg
This poster urges young men to remain abstinent until marriage, keeping in mind that they expect the same from their future wife. It is part of the "Keeping Fit" poster series.

"Have you a right to go to the marriage altar demanding honor and…

this girl 1919.jpg
This poster describes the effects of gonorrhea.

"This girl may become an invalid for life if she marries a man who has had gonorrhea not entirely cured. Gonorrhea causes: 1. Many surgical operations upon women; 2. Much invalidism among innocent…

pure girl waiting 1919.jpg
This poster urges men to stay abstinent until marriage, keeping in mind their future wife. It is part of the "Keeping Fit" poster series.

"Somewhere the girl who may become your wife is keeping pure. Will you take to her a life equally clean?"

treat every girl 1919.jpg
This poster advises young men to treat young women well. It is part of the "Keeping Fit" poster series.

"Treat every girl as you would like to have another man or boy treat your sister, girl friend, or sweetheart."

blind boys 1919.jpg
This poster features a photograph of young boys and explains that they have been blinded due to gonorrhea.

"These boys are blind because their mothers had gonorrhea, in most cases contracted from the father. Most of the blindness in children is…

do not believe him 1919.jpg
This poster warns young men not to have causal sex because it is likely they will contract VD.

"If some 'wise guy' tells you that sexual intercourse is not dangerous, the facts are: A girl who would yield to one man has probably had relations…

germs of gonorrhea 1919.jpg
This poster features an image of gonococci under a microscope. The text explains the effects of gonorrhea and emphasizes a cure is possible but difficult. The poster is part of the "Keeping Fit" poster series.

"Gonorrhea may cause stricture,…

ignore fake advertisements 1919.jpg
This poster warns audiences about quack doctors, treatments, and advertisements. It is part of the "Keeping Fit" poster series.

"'Ads' in newspapers, booklets and tin signs are put out by 'quacks' to get money from ignorant boys and men. Patent…

inherited syphilis.jpg
This poster uses a graphic picture of a child with congenital syphilis to warn that men's decisions to have premarital sex can have drastic effects for their future children.

"A man may transmit syphilis to his children. His children's children…

1940 stamp out syphilis.jpg
"The Work Projects Administration is Cooperating in the National Campaign to Stamp Out Syphilis! : 1. You are asked to go to your private doctor for a blood test. If you cannot pay for this go to any of the following : City Clinics : Health Center :…

1941 Placing Navy Medical Posters 2.jpg
"Pick out good spots for poster display : Put up posters regularly : Whom do you want to reach? What do you want to accomplish?"

This poster shows all the different places to place medical posters in order to reach many sailors. Most of the…


1942-44 Axis Agents A Toast.jpg
"A Toast to Hitler and Hirohito"

A prostitute in heavy makeup toasts a glass of champagne labeled "venereal diseases." The poster also equates pick-ups, street walkers, and prostitutes with the Axis.

1942-44 Beam.jpg
This poster warns audiences to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Big Step Forward.jpg
"The New Pro Kit : Simple, Easy, Effective"

This poster features a cartoon of a serviceman, Cpl. Emax, and promotes a new pro kit.

1942-44 Buddy Its Great to Know Youre Safe 2.jpg
"'NO' is the best tactic, the next, PROPHYLACTIC"This poster features images of servicemen outside a prophylactic station and advises audiences to use prophylaxis if they engage in sexual activity.

1942-44 Common Sense Protection.jpg
This poster features an image of a soldier in gas mask, drawing parallels between that protection and VD prophylaxis.

1942-44 Don't Sweat It Out.jpg
"If you've been exposed...Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease"

This poster advises servicemen to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Dont Drop the Ball.jpg
"Use Prophylaxis!"

This poster advices audiences to use prophylaxis and features an image of men playing baseball.

1942-44 Easy Pick-ups!.jpg
"'NO'S, the best tactic...the next, PROPHYLACTIC!"

1942-44 Ella Puede Ser.jpg
This poster features an image of a woman in heavy make-up smoking a cigarette and warns she is trouble.

1942-44 EV a Veces.jpg
"Todavia Resulta Mas Facil Prevenir Que Curar Las Enfermedades Venereas"

This poster warns that sometimes penicillin doesn't work and that it is easier to prevent rather than cure venereal diseases.

1942-44 Every Man Dreams.jpg
"Every man dreams of a healthy family! Don't Let Syphilis or Clap Kill that Dream"

This poster appeals to servicemen's concerns about family, warning that VD could threaten their future plans. It features an image of a young woman and a baby.

1942-44 Good News!.jpg
"Gonorrhea can be cured in a few hours : Syphilis can be treated in a few days : Visit Your Doctor of Clinic : There's a Clinic Near You"

This poster features a newsboy and informs viewers that gonorrhea and syphilis can be treated quickly.

1942-44 Happiness Ahead.jpg
"Get Full Medical Examination For VD Before Marriage"

This poster advises couples to get VD exams before marrying to ensure their happiness.

1942-44 Hooey Phooey.jpg
This poster shows a service men blowing off a poster warning men about drinking and contracting VD from women. Later and clearly intoxicated, he fails to stop at the prophylaxis station. Three germ characters watch him realize he is infected and go…

1942-44 How to Take a Pro.jpg
"You May Fail Your Country if You Fail to Keep Fit : Faltaria a Su Pais Si Ud. No Esta en Salud"

This poster explains how to use chemical prophylaxis in Spanish and English.

1942-44 Its Here.jpg
"Simple, Easy, Effective"

Cpl. Emax announces that a military has a new Pro Kit.
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