"This girl may become an invalid for life if she marries a man who has had gonorrhea not entirely cured. Gonorrhea causes: 1. Many surgical operations upon women; 2. Much invalidism among innocent…
This photograph shows an exhibit on public health at the 1939 New York World's Fair. It features displays on infantile paralysis (polio), tuberculosis, rickets, and other issues. There is also an iron lung displayed.
This poster discusses hormones. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."
"The secretion of the ovaries makes the girl grow into a woman : The secretion in the testes makes the boy grow into a man : The ovaries and testes also…
This photograph shows an exhibit about syphilis titled, "The Shadow on the Land" that appeared at the 1939 World's Fair. It features a large microscope, photographs of family and children, and a map of the United States. Fair visitors are shown…