This photograph shows an exhibit about syphilis titled, "The Shadow on the Land" that appeared at the 1939 World's Fair. It features a large microscope, photographs of family and children, and a map of the United States. Fair visitors are shown…
This map shows the distribution of legislation requiring pre-marital and pre-natal syphilis tests among the United States. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in the US.
This infographic contrasts the rates of adequate treatment in the US and Copenhagen, which are approximately 5% and over 90% respectively. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book, Shadow on the Land.
This poster shows the locations of prophylactic stations in Panama City and Tyndall Field. There are stations for separate stations for African American and white soldiers and officers. The border has cartoon images of servicemen and pick-ups.
"every state has a syphilis problem...Where does your state stand?"
This poster shows the rate of infection for each state. These statistics are based on the results of the blood tests given to men during their Selective Service examinations.
This is a pictorial statistic that breaks down the incidence of syphilis by age and sex. It also includes a graphic to compare the total population distribution by age and sex. It is from the article "Stamp Out Syphilis!" from the July 1936 issue of…