This film puts the syphilis problem in the context of the war. It presents the effects of the illness, statistics about how it affects the war effort, and control principles.
(Click on the link below to download the film from the OPA.)
"every state has a syphilis problem...Where does your state stand?"
This poster shows the rate of infection for each state. These statistics are based on the results of the blood tests given to men during their Selective Service examinations.
"Gonorrhea Strikes Same Age Groups But is 3 Times More Prevalent"
This poster compares the prevalence of primary syphilis among different age groups of men and women. The text and the bar graph indicate that young people have the highest rates.
"In World War I the Army's venereal disease rate was the lowest in its history to that time. The all-time low was reached in 1939, after which the trend was upward. "
This poster explains that venereal disease rates increase during war time. A…