"Still at the Top of the Sick List"

1942-44 Still at the Top of the Sick List.jpg

Dublin Core


"Still at the Top of the Sick List"


This poster informs audiences that even though VD rates in the military are down, syphilis and gonorrhea still cost the military many days lost.

"Though the Army's venereal disease rate rose in 1940 and '41, this trend was checked in 1942 and the rate for World War II is now much lower than in World War I. But syphilis and gonorrhea are still among the chief causes of lost time in the Army. The same is true of the Navy."



National Archives, Record Group 112: Records of the Office of the Surgeon General (Army), Series: Posters Promoting Venereal Disease Prevention and the Prevention of Other Diseases, circa 1942-1944.


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ASHA, “"Still at the Top of the Sick List",” Venereal Disease Visual History Archive, accessed February 15, 2025, https://vdarchive.newmedialab.cuny.edu/items/show/245.


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