Browse Items (29 total)
- Tags: spirochete
"Age and Sex" (Survey Graphic Reprint)
Tags: age, germ, infographic, map, microscopic view, pictorial statistic, spirochete, statistic
"Outcome of Latent Untreated Syphilis in Pregnancy" (Survey Graphic Reprint)
"Chicago Syphilis Control Program, 1937" (Cover)
Tags: city, map, microscopic view, spirochete
"Syphilis, Its Cause, Its Spread..Its Cure!" (Pamphlet)
Tags: blood test, cure, exam, kiss, lab coat, marriage, microscope, microscopic view, photograph, physician, pregnancy, prostitution, quack, spirochete, syphilis, syringe, test tube, treatment
"Syphilis, Its Cause, Its Spread..Its Cure!" (Detail--Darkfield Exam)
Detail from an educational pamphlet by the USPHS on syphilis. The photograph shows a man looking through a darkfield microscope at…
Tags: exam, germ, lab coat, microscope, photograph, spirochete, syphilis
"Syphilis, Its Cause, Its Spread..Its Cure!" (Detail--Spirochetes)
Tags: germ, microscopic view, photograph, spirochete, syphilis
"Syphilis, Its Cause, Its Spread..Its Cure!" (Detail--Cause, Spread, Cure)
Detail from an educational pamphlet by the USPHS on syphilis. This graphic summarizes the information included in the pamphlet about the cause,…
"How Syphilis Spreads" (Survey Graphic Reprint)
This infographic shows how syphilis is spread in prostitution and marriage. These graphics are based on case records from the NY State Department of Health. The image is from a reprint of the July 1936 article…
Tags: children, death, marriage, microscopic view, prostitution, spirochete, syphilis
"Result of Treatment Methods" (Survey Graphic Reprint)
"Syphilis in Sweden" (Survey Graphic Reprint)
"Syphilis in New York State, Syphilis in Scandinavia" (Survey Graphic Reprint)
"Syphilis Strikes One Out of Every 10 Adults" (Pictorial Statistics Brochure)
"Gonorrhea and Syphilis Lead Among Communicable Diseases"
"Syphilis and the Unborn"
"The A-B-C of Syphilis"
This pamphlet includes short entires about syphilis in alphabetical order. It was included in National Social Hygiene Day Program Kits.
Tags: blind, blood test, casual contact, children, clinic, cup, death, efficiency, family, gonorrhea, health, heart disease, home, husband, kiss, law, marriage, mental illness, microscope, microscopic view, NSHD, parent, pregnancy, premarital exam, promiscuity, prophylaxis, prostitute, quack, sex, snake, spirochete, sports, syphilis, treatment, Wasserman, wife, youth
Three Counties Against Syphilis
(Click on…
Page from "Here's to Your Health" Newsletter
Tags: germ, industry, microscopic view, spirochete, syphilis, worker
"Incidence of Syphilis Among Negroes"
"Syphilis A Cause of Blindness"
Tags: blind, crutch / cane, glasses, man, spirochete, statistic, syphilis
"Menaces to America's Health"
Tags: diphtheria, infectious disease, infographic, man, menace, pictorial statistic, spirochete, syphilis, TB
"Syphilis in New York State, Syphilis in Scandinavia"
Tags: incidence, infographic, NY, pictorial statistic, Scandinavia, spirochete, syphilis
"Cases of Syphilis Traced to One Person in One Year"
Tags: children, infographic, man, pictorial statistic, prostitute, spirochete, syphilis, wife, woman
"Outcome of Latent Untreated Syphilis During Pregnancy"
"Why Routine Tests Should Be Given"
"The Infected Person May Choose"
"Completeness of Treatment in U.S. and in Copenhagen"
Tags: map, Scandinavia, spirochete, statistic, treatment
Germs of Syphilis
"Syphilis may affect any part of the body, including…
Tags: cure, death, germ, lab, lab coat, microscope, microscopic view, spirochete, syphilis
"Syphilis and Gonorrhea...the Axis Partners"
Tags: axis, germ, germany, gonococci, gonorrhea, green light, hitler, japan, prophylaxis, red light, serviceman, spirochete, syphilis