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Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 5.23.27 PM.png
This film presents a newly developed Rapid Treatment Center, one of a large system of centers created during the war. It shows the treatment program female patients undergo as well as the "rehabilitative" programs conducted.
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1940 Drugstore Window.gif
This photograph shows a display about the syphilis campaign in the window of a drugstore in New York City.

NY Worlds Fair SH Exhibit 1939 1940.jpg
These photos show the social hygiene exhibit sponsored by the ASHA at the 1939 World's Fair.

1940* Stamps 3 - Version 2.jpg
These stamps were created to promote blood tests in NYC.

"See Your Doctor : Be Examined : Have a Blood Test : Bureau of Social Hygiene : N.Y.C. Health Dept. Cooperating with N.Y. State Health Dept. & U.S. Public Health Service"

1939 Worlds Fair Chemistry.jpg
This photograph shows a chemistry exhibit at the 1939 World's Fair.

1939 JSH Worlds Fair Photo.jpg
This photograph shows a group of people listening to a woman discuss social hygiene at the ASHA's exhibit on the subject at the 1939 World's Fair.

syphilitic baby 1919.jpg
This poster warns viewers that a man may transmit venereal disease to his wife and children. It is part of the "Keeping Fit" poster series.

"The man who has contracted gonorrhea or syphilis may bring suffering upon the innocent. When he marries,…

pure girl waiting 1919.jpg
This poster urges men to stay abstinent until marriage, keeping in mind their future wife. It is part of the "Keeping Fit" poster series.

"Somewhere the girl who may become your wife is keeping pure. Will you take to her a life equally clean?"

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 5.58.11 PM.png
This silent film demonstrates the steps for chemical prophylaxis that men can use to prevent VD after having sex.

Germs 1922.jpg
This poster advises that a man who wants to engage in premarital sex may have venereal disease. It describes how gonococcal and syphilitic germs may be transmitted. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."

"A man who would…

germs of gonorrhea 1919.jpg
This poster features an image of gonococci under a microscope. The text explains the effects of gonorrhea and emphasizes a cure is possible but difficult. The poster is part of the "Keeping Fit" poster series.

"Gonorrhea may cause stricture,…

Germs of Syphilis 1919.jpg
This poster shows an image of a scientist in a lab and a microscopic view of syphilis microbes. It also explains the long-term effects of the illness and the effectiveness of early treatment.

"Syphilis may affect any part of the body, including…

1938* Hartford Syphilis Display.jpg
This photograph shows a display about syphilis created by the Hartford Public Library. It includes infographics and charts along with some items used in syphilis control. Some of the images are reprints of ones from Parran's work.

purity 1919.jpg
This poster urges young men to remain abstinent until marriage, keeping in mind that they expect the same from their future wife. It is part of the "Keeping Fit" poster series.

"Have you a right to go to the marriage altar demanding honor and…

this girl 1919.jpg
This poster describes the effects of gonorrhea.

"This girl may become an invalid for life if she marries a man who has had gonorrhea not entirely cured. Gonorrhea causes: 1. Many surgical operations upon women; 2. Much invalidism among innocent…

Keeping Fit AA Posters 1920.jpg
The brochure shows the different posters included in a version of the "Keeping Fit" health exhibit created for African American men.

1942-44 Pro-tection Chart.jpg
This poster shows the various locations where servicemen at the Laurinburg-Maxton Army Air Base can get prophylaxis.

1944 Industrial Program Newsletter.jpg
This is a page from a health newsletter created for workers by a industrial health program in Fort Greene, an area in Brooklyn, NY. Each issue focused on different health issue. Two of the issues this year were on syphilis.

1939 Worlds Fair Pasteur.jpg
This photograph shows a demonstration of the milk pasteurization process at a 1939 World's Fair.

1944 Photos Window Billboard - Version 2.jpg
This photograph shows a display in a pharmacy window. It includes posters, infographics, and objects related to syphilis control.

1939 Worlds Fair Polio.jpg
This photograph shows an exhibit on public health at the 1939 New York World's Fair. It features displays on infantile paralysis (polio), tuberculosis, rickets, and other issues. There is also an iron lung displayed.

1940* Santa Delivering Pro Packets.jpg
This poster shows Santa Claus delivering prophylaxis packettes to servicemen.

Secretions 1922.jpg
This poster discusses hormones. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."

"The secretion of the ovaries makes the girl grow into a woman : The secretion in the testes makes the boy grow into a man : The ovaries and testes also…


self control and vd 1919.jpg
This poster warns audiences that engaging in premarital sex results in venereal disease. It is part of the "Keeping Fit" poster series.

"Men who fail to develop self-control sometimes yield to sex temptation to indulge in sexual intercourse with…

1939 Worlds Fair Shadow 2.jpg
This photograph shows an exhibit about syphilis titled, "The Shadow on the Land" that appeared at the 1939 World's Fair. It features a large microscope, photographs of family and children, and a map of the United States. Fair visitors are shown…

1939 Worlds Fair Shadow Sketch.jpg
This is a planning sketch for an exhibit at the 1939 World's Fair.

1945 CT Druggist Window Display.gif
This photograph shows a anti-syphilis display in a drugstore window for National Social Hygiene Day.

Keeping Fit Display 1920.jpg
This image shows how social hygiene exhibits were displayed in this period.


treat every girl 1919.jpg
This poster advises young men to treat young women well. It is part of the "Keeping Fit" poster series.

"Treat every girl as you would like to have another man or boy treat your sister, girl friend, or sweetheart."

True Friends 1922.jpg
This poster advises young women that friends always adhere to respectful social boundaries.

"A true friend stimulates you to be your best self. He never asks you to grant liberties : true courtesy is born of respect for yourself and others : A…


1940 World's Fair Quiz.gif
These photographs show visitors to the World's Fair taking a quiz about syphilis and gonorrhea conducted by the ASHA.

1922 Usually Cured.jpg
This poster describes the importance of treatment. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."

"Gonorrhea and syphilis usually can be cured if treatment is given early enough by a reputable physician or at a clinic :…

Keeping Fit Exhib Photo 1920.jpg
This photograph shows young men looking at a exhibit of social hygiene posters. This page originally appeared in a book titled, Two Years Fighting V.D. (1920) by the USPHS.


1938 Horse and Buggy.gif
These photographs show young people parading around the Kips Bay Yorkville area of New York City to promote their anti-syphilis campaign. They are dressed as pilgrims and driving a horse and buggy to bring attention to outdated and backwards ideas…
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