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1940 the enemy is syphilis.jpg
"Enlist employees in a campaign against it"

This poster urges workers to get involved in anti-syphilis efforts.

1940 syphilis menace to industry.jpg
"Dont Lose Your Pay"

This poster warns viewers that syphilis can cause lead to loss of income.

1940 stop syphilis.jpg
"Support Local and State Efforts to Reduce Syphilis"

This poster urges viewers to support community syphilis control efforts.

1940 stamp out syphilis.jpg
"The Work Projects Administration is Cooperating in the National Campaign to Stamp Out Syphilis! : 1. You are asked to go to your private doctor for a blood test. If you cannot pay for this go to any of the following : City Clinics : Health Center :…

1940 examination results are confidential.jpg
This poster conveys that the results of syphilis exams are confidential.

1940 dont gamble with syphilis.jpg
"Consult Health Authorities"

This poster urges viewers to not take chances with syphilis and visit a health care professional.

1938* Syphilis its Cure! 27.jpg
"About SYPHILIS..We know : 1. The Cause (Spirochetes) 2. How it is Spread 3. And How it May Be Cured"

Detail from an educational pamphlet by the USPHS on syphilis. This graphic summarizes the information included in the pamphlet about the cause,…

1938* Syphilis its Cure! 24.jpg
"Thirty shots of an arsephenamine; forty shots of bismuth. For no other serious disease is there so sure a cure."

Detail from an educational pamphlet by the USPHS on syphilis. The photograph shows a physician using a syringe to inject treatment…

"Only a skilled physician can use arsphenamines, basic drugs in modern scientific treatment of syphilis."

Detail from an educational pamphlet by the USPHS on syphilis. The photograph shows a physician preparing drugs for syphilis treatment.

"A bit of blood is carefully drawn from the arm for the blood test. It's as simple as a smallpox vaccination."

"The completed blood test. The milky solution on the right shows syphilis. THe clear solution means health."

Detail from an…

"These gleaming spirals are Spirochaeta pallida. It would take 3,500 of them, ent to end, to make an inch." Detail from an educational pamphlet by the USPHS on syphilis. The photograph shows a microscopic view of spirochetes, the germs that cause…

"A special dark-field microscope is needed to see the tiny, pale spirochete--the germ that causes syphilis."

Detail from an educational pamphlet by the USPHS on syphilis. The photograph shows a man looking through a darkfield microscope at…

"Self-treatment and the quack are useless in syphilis. See your doctor of local clinic for adequate treatment."

"Find syphilis early. Serum from the first sore may reveal syphilis even before the blood test will show it."

Detail from an…

Cover of a educational pamphlet by the USPHS on syphilis.

stamp out syphilis and gonorrhea 1938.jpeg
This poster urges viewers to have tests and exams to check for syphilis and gonorrhea.

"Have you had your blood test and examination : Go to your doctor of dept. of health : Bureau of Social Hygiene, 51 Stuyvesant Place, S.I."

stamp out syphilis 1938.jpeg
This poster encourages couples to be tested before marriage to ensure healthy children.

"Every baby is entitled to be born healthy : Blood test & examination should be made before marriage by your doctor or Bureau of Social Hygiene Clinic, 51…

false shame and fear 1938.jpeg
This poster shows a man and woman bowing their heads in shame and urges audiences to have a blood test.

"Have your blood tested."

chicago will control syphilis 1938.jpeg
This poster informs viewers that they can get blood tests locally.

"You may have your blood test free and confidentially at one of the following stations : Chicago Board of Health, Herman N. Bundesen, Pres."

This is the cover design for the 1937 report on the Chicago Syphilis Control Program.

vision can be saved 1937.jpeg
This poster warns that although half of children with congenital syphilis have vision problems, this can be prevented.

"50% of babies born with syphilis have impaired eyesight : Consult a reputable physician."

gonorrhea causes blindness 1937.jpeg
This poster informs the audience that although gonorrhea has serious effects, they can be avoided. A knight stomps down a snake.

"It can be prevented and cured : For examination and free pamphlets go to your doctor or Dept. of Health clinic."

the great crippler 1937.jpeg
An image of a young girl with a crutch along with the caption warns viewers of the effects of syphilis.
LOC Notes: Produced for the town of Hempstead Health Dept.

the first 2 years 1937.jpeg
This poster warns about syphilis relapses.

"91% of syphilitic infections relapse in this period : The disease may be transmitted to others who contact the lesion : Consult a reputable physician."

syphilis strikes 1937.jpeg
This poster informs audiences that 1/10 adults will contract syphilis.

"Consult a reputable physician."

shame may be fatal 1937.jpeg
This poster urges audiences to visit a physician if they believe they have venereal disease, discouraging feelings of false shame that keep people from hiding their illness.

"If you fear you have contracted a disease don't let false shame destroy…

know the risks.jpg
This poster uses statistics in order to convey that young people are significantly affected by syphilis.

"Know the risks involved : Syphilis is acquired and transmitted largely by youth : Youth should receive special attention : Consult a…

dont wait doomed 1937.jpg
This poster urges people to seek treatment immediately.

"Don't wait - 70% are doomed if treatment of syphilis is delayed for 3 years after the disease is contracted : Consult a reputable physician."

bad blood 1937.jpeg
This poster advises audiences that "bad blood" is another name for syphilis, how the disease is spread, and that six months to a year of treatment is required.
"Your blood is bad means you have syphilis : You can give it to others through sexual…

as old as creation 1937.jpg
This poster advises people to consult their physicians for information on syphilis treatment.

This pictorial statistic shows the results of syphilis treatment during pregnancy. It is from a reprint of the July 1936 article "Stamp Out Syphilis!" in Survey Graphic.

1936 Survey Graphic Reprint 5.jpg
This is a pictorial statistic that breaks down the incidence of syphilis by age and sex. It also includes a graphic to compare the total population distribution by age and sex. It is from the article "Stamp Out Syphilis!" from the July 1936 issue of…

1936 Survey Graphic Reprint 3.jpg
This is a pictorial statistic about syphilis rates from the article "Stamp Out Syphilis!" from the July 1936 issue of Survey Graphic.

1936 Survey Graphic Reprint.jpg
This is the cover of a reprint of an article from the July 1936 issue of Survey Graphic.
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