This is a page from a health newsletter created for workers by a industrial health program in Fort Greene, an area in Brooklyn, NY. Each issue focused on different health issue. Two of the issues this year were on syphilis.
This film presents a newly developed Rapid Treatment Center, one of a large system of centers created during the war. It shows the treatment program female patients undergo as well as the "rehabilitative" programs conducted.
(Click on the link below…
This film puts the syphilis problem in the context of the war. It presents the effects of the illness, statistics about how it affects the war effort, and control principles.
(Click on the link below to download the film from the OPA.)
This film begins with the story of a young Italian-American couple whose baby is stillborn due to syphilis. It also tells the story of a young man who contracts the illness from a brothel. The film explains the effects of syphilis, emphasizes the…
In this comic strip one sailor is interested in picking up a woman at a cafe. His friends warn him that you can catch venereal disease from pick-ups. One of the sailors ends up in the VD ward after leaving with the woman.
This comic poster shows a number of servicemen at a diner. One talks to a woman sitting alone but another soldier picks her up and leaves with her. While the original man is upset that the other stole his pick-up, the other men explain that he was…
This poster tells the story of Private Blotz who contracts VD.
"Citation: George Q. Blotz, A.S.N. 00000000. Private. For conspicuous stupidity on the field of dishonor. On the night of August 4, 1942 Pvt. Blotz went to the town nearest his post.…
This image conveys that venereal disease is a threat to industrial production and the war effort. Gonorrhea and syphilis appear as planes bombing a factory while a worker looks on.
This cartoon warns that women with venereal disease are threats to military men. Two women are shown waiting on a corner, smoking. They are labeled "gonorrhea" and "syphilis." A sign shows that military bases are nearby.
"Don't let V.D. do this to you! PROPHYLAXIS will see you through."This poster features an image of a blind man walking with a cane. It warns audiences to use prophylaxis to prevent these effects.
This poster uses a graph to show how VD rates increased during past wars.
"By 1910 American military and civil organizations had begun to take steps to reduce these diseases. DUring the World War the Army, Navy, Public Health Service, medical…
This poster urges community participation in VD control to strengthen the war effort. This version has been personalized for use by a industrial health program in Fort Greene, an area in Brooklyn, NY.
This poster conveys that prostitution spreads venereal disease to servicemen. A soldier is labeled "The Young, The Brave, The Strong." The woman speaking is labeled prostitution. Behind her stand two female figures with skeletal faces identified as…
This poster would have been put in pharmacy windows to signal their participation in the campaign to promote adequate education and treatment about syphilis.
This poster advises servicemen to use prophylaxis.
"Don't Ever Forget When She Has Allure, An Ounce of Prevention, Is Worth A Pound of Cure! So Bear It in Mind--When On One of Your Sprees, It Can Happen to You--Venereal Disease!"