This comic strip shows a couple, Frank and Ann, who consult their physician and get premarital syphilis exams. There is also text accompanying the strip that gives more information.
This comic strip shows the initiation of an industry syphilis control program. It makes clear that screening employees for syphilis improves efficiency and that results will be confidential.
"How syphilis was discovered in 1000 consecutive cases referred to the syphilis clinic by other divisions of the Johns Hopkins Dispensary : Data from Albert Keidel, M.D., Archives of Dermotology and Syphilology, Vol. 25, p. 470, 1932."
"The Work Projects Administration is Cooperating in the National Campaign to Stamp Out Syphilis! : 1. You are asked to go to your private doctor for a blood test. If you cannot pay for this go to any of the following : City Clinics : Health Center :…