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1940* Santa Delivering Pro Packets.jpg
This poster shows Santa Claus delivering prophylaxis packettes to servicemen.

1943 Your Face Looks So Familiar.jpg
In this comic strip one sailor is interested in picking up a woman at a cafe. His friends warn him that you can catch venereal disease from pick-ups. One of the sailors ends up in the VD ward after leaving with the woman.

1943 Your Face if So Familiar.jpg
This comic poster shows a number of servicemen at a diner. One talks to a woman sitting alone but another soldier picks her up and leaves with her. While the original man is upset that the other stole his pick-up, the other men explain that he was…

1942-44 Your Country Needs You.jpg
This poster warns that VD is a threat to the war effort.

1942-44 You Must Play Safe.jpg
This poster advises audiences to use prophylaxis.

1944 AAFTC You May Think Shes Your Gal.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease"

This poster warns that women may be promiscuous and advises servicemen to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Wound Stripe.jpg
This poster tells the story of Private Blotz who contracts VD.

"Citation: George Q. Blotz, A.S.N. 00000000. Private. For conspicuous stupidity on the field of dishonor. On the night of August 4, 1942 Pvt. Blotz went to the town nearest his post.…

1942-44 You Cant Slap a Jap.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease : Pro. Stations in This Area"

This poster shows a Japanese man looking at a graph of VD rates. It advises audiences to avoid gonorrhea so they can fight the Japanese.

1942-44 You Are Americas Defense.jpg
This poster shows a fighting soldier and warns servicemen that their VD hurts the war effort.

1944 AAFTC You Cant Win on These.jpg
"Sex Exposure Without Prophylaxis And You Lose to Venereal Disease : Venereal Disease Helps the Enemy"

This poster likens sex without prophylaxis to gambling.

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1942-44 Throw Money Away.jpg
"Don't Take a Chance Take a 'Pro'!!"

This poster promotes prophylaxis use and portrays it as common sense.

1942-44 When Speed Counts.jpg
This poster advertises a new prophylaxis kit.

1942-44 What Will You Tell Them?.jpg
"Beware of VD"

This poster features a soldier returning home on crutches. It advises servicemen to avoid VD so they won't feel ashamed when they return home.

1940 warning these enemies.jpg
This cartoon warns that women with venereal disease are threats to military men. Two women are shown waiting on a corner, smoking. They are labeled "gonorrhea" and "syphilis." A sign shows that military bases are nearby.

1942-44 Optimistic Oliver.jpg
"Avoid VD"

This poster warns servicemen not to make assumptions about pick-ups and assume they don't have VD.

1943 Wake Up!.jpg
"Defend Yourself Against Venereal Disease, Take a Prophylaxis"

1940* Venereal Disease Rates.jpg
"It's Too High, Soldier! Better Get it Low! After Each Exposure Always Take a Pro!"

This poster advises servicemen to use prophylaxis to help keep VD rates low.

1942-1944 Two New Gremlins.jpg
This poster shows syphilis and gonorrhea gremlins chaining up a serviceman.

1944 AAFTC Time is Short.jpg
"Two Days is Too Late! Take a 'Pro' in Two Hours!"

This poster informs servicemen that they have a limited amount of time to use prophylaxis after having sex.

1942-44 Thoroughbred.jpg
This poster promotes prophylaxis.

1943 They Dont Mix Comic.jpg
This comic poster emphasizes that servicemen, especially when intoxicated, should use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Thse Blotch Our Record.jpg
This poster would have been used to keep track of monthly VD cases. It features an image of a record book.

1942-44 Second Front 2.jpg
This poster shows Mussolini, Hitler, and Tojo pleased with all the soldiers queueing for the VD clinic.

1944 No Place Like Home.jpg
This comic features two sailors. One picks up women all around the world and ends up sick. The other ignores other women and returns home to his sweetheart.

1943 Them Days Is Gone Forever.jpg
This comic poster shows two servicemen discussing the fate of their friend who contracted VD from a pick-up.

"I haven't seen Bill jive around--where is he, anyway? Oh, Bill? He got acquainted with some gal the other day--Well Bill is Kinda…

1943 Them Days Is Gone 2.jpg
In this comic strip, two sailors walk the streets at night. One suggests they check out a brothel. The other declines, explaining that he previously contracted VD that way.

1943 Them Days Is Gone.jpg
In this comic strip two marines discuss how another contracted VD from a pick-up.

1943 Them Days Is Gone Forever.jpg
This comic poster shows two servicemen considering a visit to a brothel. One advises the other against it, explaining how he earlier contracted VD.

"I hear they have some gals up there--Let's give the joint a play-- : No, thanks--that's how I got…

1940 VD Wards Full of Wise Guys.jpg
This poster shows 4 men in hospital beds. Each of them explains his error that led to contracting VD: "I could pick the safe ones," "I tried to treat myself," "I refused prophylaxis," "I knew it all. I ignored the advice of my CO my chaplain and the…

1942-44 The Price.jpg
This poster shows a serviceman at a bar being approached by a woman. It implies that the woman is a prostitute who will spread disease.

1942-44 New Pro Kit 20.jpg
"Always Use Soap and Water First"

This poster promotes a new prophylaxis kit. It features the character Cpl. Emax.

1944 AAFTC Man Who Wasnt There.jpg
"He Let His Buddies Down By Getting a Venereal Disease : Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease"

This poster advises servicemen that they are letting down their fellow men if they contract VD and that prophylaxis will prevent it.

1942 Amateur Just as Dangerous.jpg
"The army can protect you against many can't keep you from getting a venereal disease Unless you--Pro"

This poster warns servicemen that they can get VD from any sexual partner, not just prostitutes. It also advises them to use…

1943 Axis Partners .jpg
This comic poster shows a serviceman leaving a brothel and then being stalked by anthropomorphized syphilis and gonorrhea germs. The germs are presented as German and Japanese stereotypes. They try to prevent the young man from going to the…

1941 Syphilis and Gonorrhea Waste Manpower.jpg
The poster explains that VD threatens the war effort.

1942-44 Sunk Without Trace.jpg
This poster shows a serviceman's hand reaching up out of the water and warns that VD hurts the war effort. Part of the "Rum and Women Just Don't Mix Series."

"Torpedoed? You Bet Your Life! Hitler didn't do it..but he might just as well have. This…

1942-44 Streamlined for GIs.jpg
"Simple, Easy, Effective : Always Use Soap and Water First"

This poster advertises that a new prophylactic kit is available for servicemen.

1942-44 Stop Sabotage.jpg
"prevent venereal disease"

This poster features an image of a soldier aiming a gun and likens contracting venereal disease to sabotage.

1942-44 Still at the Top of the Sick List.jpg
This poster informs audiences that even though VD rates in the military are down, syphilis and gonorrhea still cost the military many days lost.

"Though the Army's venereal disease rate rose in 1940 and '41, this trend was checked in 1942 and the…

1944 Still at the Top of the Army Sick List.jpg
"Almost 3 Times as Many Days Are Lost from Syphilis and Gonorrhea As from Any Other Cause"

This poster compares different causes of days lost in the military and shows that venereal disease tops the list.

1942-44 Beam.jpg
This poster warns audiences to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Soldier Beware!.jpg
This poster advices servicemen to practice abstinence or use prophylaxis to avoid venereal disease.

"Syphilis : Gonorrhea : Abstinence is the Safest Measure! Otherwise 1. Use a Contraceptive (Rubber) 2. Immediate Prophylaxis! Know the Locations of…

1942-44 Smart Soldiers.jpg
This poster warns soldiers to avoid pick-ups. It shows a man with a sore on his lip.

1940 she may look clean.jpg
"Pick-ups : 'Good Time' Girls : Prostitutes : Spread Syphilis and Gonorrhea : You can't beat the Axis if you get VD."

1942-44 True to You.jpg
This poster features an image of young woman and appeals to soldiers to keep their sweethearts devotion and abstinence in mind.

1944 AAFTC Not Necessary Manhood.jpg
"If You Are Foolish Enough to Expose Yourself--Be Sure You Take a Prophylaxis To Prevent Venereal Disease"

This poster asserts that sex is not necessary and that men who do engage in sexual activity should use prophylaxis.

1944 AAFTC Without Prophylaxis Pro Axis.jpg
"Venereal Disease Helps the Enemy"

This poster warns that failure to use prophylaxis threatens the war effort.

1944 AAFTC Wont Say No Take a Pro.jpg
This poster advises servicemen to make a resolution to use prophylaxis if they have sex.

1942-44 Protect Yourself!.jpg
"Use a rubber : Wash with soap and water : Take prophylaxis : These are weapons against syphilis and clap."

1942-44 Prophylaxis Octopus 2.jpg
A sword labeled prophylaxis cuts off the tentacles of an octopus labeled VD. The arms have the names of different venereal diseases on them.
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