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syphilis strikes 1937.jpeg
This poster informs audiences that 1/10 adults will contract syphilis.

"Consult a reputable physician."

dont wait doomed 1937.jpg
This poster urges people to seek treatment immediately.

"Don't wait - 70% are doomed if treatment of syphilis is delayed for 3 years after the disease is contracted : Consult a reputable physician."

bad blood 1937.jpeg
This poster advises audiences that "bad blood" is another name for syphilis, how the disease is spread, and that six months to a year of treatment is required.
"Your blood is bad means you have syphilis : You can give it to others through sexual…

know the risks.jpg
This poster uses statistics in order to convey that young people are significantly affected by syphilis.

"Know the risks involved : Syphilis is acquired and transmitted largely by youth : Youth should receive special attention : Consult a…

1940 prevent syphilis.jpg
This poster urges couples to take steps to prevent syphilis in marriage.

1941 syphilis may cause.jpg
"Heart trouble, blindness, deafness, mental disorders : Have your blood tested"

This poster warns audiences about the effects of syphilis.

1941 six out of ten cured.jpg
"Because They Did Not Wait Too Long"

1941 face the facts.jpg
"Reported Cases : 100,000 under 19 Yrs. of Age : 13,000 between 11 and 15"

This poster presents statistics about syphilis among young people.

1942-44 Hello Darling.jpg
"I'll show you a good time --for a price £1. and Syphilis"

This poster features a woman smoking. The text connects her with syphilis.

as old as creation 1937.jpg
This poster advises people to consult their physicians for information on syphilis treatment.

the great crippler 1937.jpeg
An image of a young girl with a crutch along with the caption warns viewers of the effects of syphilis.
LOC Notes: Produced for the town of Hempstead Health Dept.

1943 MS Syphilis AA Pamplet.jpg
This is the cover for a pamphlet created for African American audiences. It features a photograph of a black woman getting blood drawn.

1942-1944 Two New Gremlins.jpg
This poster shows syphilis and gonorrhea gremlins chaining up a serviceman.

1942 Knock Out VD.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease!"This poster advises servicemen to use soap, silver, a mercury--prophlyaxis--to prevent VD.

chicago will control syphilis 1938.jpeg
This poster informs viewers that they can get blood tests locally.

"You may have your blood test free and confidentially at one of the following stations : Chicago Board of Health, Herman N. Bundesen, Pres."

1938* Hartford Syphilis Display.jpg
This photograph shows a display about syphilis created by the Hartford Public Library. It includes infographics and charts along with some items used in syphilis control. Some of the images are reprints of ones from Parran's work.

1943 They Dont Mix Comic.jpg
This comic poster emphasizes that servicemen, especially when intoxicated, should use prophylaxis.

1942-44 You Must Play Safe.jpg
This poster advises audiences to use prophylaxis.

1944 Industrial Program Newsletter.jpg
This is a page from a health newsletter created for workers by a industrial health program in Fort Greene, an area in Brooklyn, NY. Each issue focused on different health issue. Two of the issues this year were on syphilis.

1941 find syphilis.jpg
"Help Employees Get Blood Tests"

The poster promotes syphilis tests by employers.

1940 the enemy is syphilis.jpg
"Enlist employees in a campaign against it"

This poster urges workers to get involved in anti-syphilis efforts.

1940 stop syphilis.jpg
"Support Local and State Efforts to Reduce Syphilis"

This poster urges viewers to support community syphilis control efforts.

1940 examination results are confidential.jpg
This poster conveys that the results of syphilis exams are confidential.

1940 dont gamble with syphilis.jpg
"Consult Health Authorities"

This poster urges viewers to not take chances with syphilis and visit a health care professional.

1940 Von Article 10 - Version 3.jpg
This photograph shows a woman examining a syphilis sample under a microscope.

1941 Batchelor Workers Strike Down Enemies.jpg
This image conveys that venereal disease is a threat to industrial production and the war effort. Gonorrhea and syphilis appear as planes bombing a factory while a worker looks on.

1941 Batchelor Cartoon Strips 10.jpg
This comic strip shows the initiation of an industry syphilis control program. It makes clear that screening employees for syphilis improves efficiency and that results will be confidential.

1941 Batchelor Cartoon Strips 5.jpg
This comic strip shows Jane consulting her doctor and getting a prenatal syphilis test. She has a healthy baby. There is also text accompanying the strip that gives more information.

1941 Batchelor Cartoon Strips 2.jpg
This comic strip shows a couple, Frank and Ann, who consult their physician and get premarital syphilis exams. There is also text accompanying the strip that gives more information.

1940 warning these enemies.jpg
This cartoon warns that women with venereal disease are threats to military men. Two women are shown waiting on a corner, smoking. They are labeled "gonorrhea" and "syphilis." A sign shows that military bases are nearby.

1940 two girls i know.jpg
This poster conveys that prostitution spreads venereal disease to servicemen. A soldier is labeled "The Young, The Brave, The Strong." The woman speaking is labeled prostitution. Behind her stand two female figures with skeletal faces identified as…

1937 Batchelor Isnt If Fair to Warn Her.jpg
This is an ASHA order form for posters versions of cartoon titled, "Isn't it fair to warn her?""'Three-fourths of all syphilis infections are acquired by young people between the ages of 16 and 30 years.' : Isn't it fair to warn her? : Syphilis Can…

1940 We Are Helping to Stamp Out Syphilis.jpg
This poster shows a physician and nurses leading a group of people, indicating they are all participating in syphilis control efforts.

This map shows the distribution of state laws requiring premarital syphilis tests in 1944.

1944 Photos Window Billboard - Version 2.jpg
This photograph shows a display in a pharmacy window. It includes posters, infographics, and objects related to syphilis control.

1938 Stamp Out Syphilis Skyline.jpg
This is a publicity poster for National Social Hygiene Day 1938. "Stamp Out Syphilis" is being broadcast over a suburban community.

1930 How Syphilis Spreads 2.jpg
This chart shows the results of an epidemiological investigation of cases of syphilis.

"A physician in a middlewestern city asked the State Health Department to trace the source of infection in 3 cases of newly acquired infectious syphilis in his…

1930 Hare and Tortoise.jpg
This poster describes long- and short-term social hygiene programs.

"The Hare-Emergency Program: Treatment of every carrier of syphilis infection. The Tortoise-Long-Range Educational Program: Building in children and youth habits of self-control…

1930 Case Finding in Familial Syphilis 2.jpg
This chart diagrams the process of finding cases of syphilis within families and how to prevent congenital syphilis.

Germs 1922.jpg
This poster advises that a man who wants to engage in premarital sex may have venereal disease. It describes how gonococcal and syphilitic germs may be transmitted. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."

"A man who would…

1922 A Syphilitic Baby.jpg
This poster warns women about congenital syphilis. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."

"Every child has a right to be well-born : If the father or the mother has syphilis, the child may be born or defective"

1940 NSHD Paper Cartoon Mines.jpg
This cartoon shows boats labeled law, education, scientific medicine, and public health sweeping away mines representing quackery to safeguard the "National Anti-Syphilis Campaign" ship. It is featured in the NSHD broadside.

1940 NSHD Paper Cartoon.jpg
This comic strip is one in the "Health Helps" series. It shows a worker, Jerry, who visits a quack for syphilis treatment. His employer advises him to see his family physician. It is featured in the NSHD broadside.

1940 NSHD Paper War on Quacks.jpg
This is the cover page of a broadside created and distributed for National Social Hygiene Day. It's headline addresses the year's theme--quackery.

1942-44 Warning!.jpg
"Learn How to Protect Your Family and Community From Them"

This poster shows syphilis and gonorrhea bombs falling on a community and encourages audiences to participate in the fight against them.

1942-44 Pharmacy Cooperating.jpg
This poster would have been put in pharmacy windows to signal their participation in the campaign to promote adequate education and treatment about syphilis.

1944 Syphilis Map.jpg
"every state has a syphilis problem...Where does your state stand?"

This poster shows the rate of infection for each state. These statistics are based on the results of the blood tests given to men during their Selective Service examinations.

1944 Still at the Top of the Army Sick List.jpg
"Almost 3 Times as Many Days Are Lost from Syphilis and Gonorrhea As from Any Other Cause"

This poster compares different causes of days lost in the military and shows that venereal disease tops the list.

1944 Hidden Costs in Industry.jpg
"Recent studies of 216,000 industrial workers show an average of 2.98% syphilitic"

This poster shows the prevalence of syphilis among different groups of workers.

1944 Diseases of Youth.jpg
"Gonorrhea Strikes Same Age Groups But is 3 Times More Prevalent"

This poster compares the prevalence of primary syphilis among different age groups of men and women. The text and the bar graph indicate that young people have the highest rates.
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