"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease!"This poster features cartoons of the Axis leaders as syphilis, gonorrhea, and chanchroid. Two hold syringes and one holds a woman in lingere with a skull and crossbones.
This poster juxtaposes an image of Hirohito and an silhouette of a young woman, warning that they are both threats to the war effort. It also uses statistics to convey the significant cost of venereal disease.
A prostitute in heavy makeup toasts a glass of champagne labeled "venereal diseases." The poster also equates pick-ups, street walkers, and prostitutes with the Axis.
"Use a Prophylactic: Go to a Prophylactic Station"
This poster shows a woman calling a serviceman into her room from off the street. A poster in her room and a small Japanese figure tugging on the serviceman's leg associates the woman with the…
This comic poster shows a serviceman leaving a brothel and then being stalked by anthropomorphized syphilis and gonorrhea germs. The germs are presented as German and Japanese stereotypes. They try to prevent the young man from going to the…