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1942-44 You Cant Slap a Jap.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease : Pro. Stations in This Area"

This poster shows a Japanese man looking at a graph of VD rates. It advises audiences to avoid gonorrhea so they can fight the Japanese.

1940* Venereal Disease Rates.jpg
"It's Too High, Soldier! Better Get it Low! After Each Exposure Always Take a Pro!"

This poster advises servicemen to use prophylaxis to help keep VD rates low.

1944 Until 1917 Always Increased.jpg
This poster uses a graph to show how VD rates increased during past wars.

"By 1910 American military and civil organizations had begun to take steps to reduce these diseases. DUring the World War the Army, Navy, Public Health Service, medical…

1942-44 Still at the Top of the Sick List.jpg
This poster informs audiences that even though VD rates in the military are down, syphilis and gonorrhea still cost the military many days lost.

"Though the Army's venereal disease rate rose in 1940 and '41, this trend was checked in 1942 and the…

1940 From Time Immemorial.jpg
"In World War I the Army's venereal disease rate was the lowest in its history to that time. The all-time low was reached in 1939, after which the trend was upward. "

This poster explains that venereal disease rates increase during war time. A…

1942-44 Did You Know.jpg
"THAT the 483 squadron has the 8 BALL with the only VENEREAL DISEASE case for OCT : THAT the man got his infection while on furlough : THAT he did not wear a rubber or take a PRO : THAT the PLAQUE for best effort will be awarded to the 486th squadron…

1942-1944 2 Months.jpg
This poster features a hand wiping away a graph. It warns that VD requires a long convalescence.

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