Browse Items (46 total)
- Tags: military
"'Not in Line of Duty'"
Tags: hospital bed, military, serviceman
"'To You From Failing Hands We Throw the Torch, Be Yours to Hold it High'"
Tags: death, grave, military, serviceman, social hygiene
""Keep Your Service Record from Reading 'Wounded by Syphilis and Gonorrhea'"
This poster urges servicemen to use prophylaxis.
Tags: gonorrhea, military, prophylaxis, syphilis
"100%, She Deserves the Same"
Tags: military, social hygiene, woman
"Did You Know"
Tags: blind, line graph, military, prophylaxis, statistic, syphilis
"Don't Be a Dope...Play Safe!"
"Don't do this...or this"
This poster discourages servicemen from seeking treatment…
Tags: home remedy, military, pharmacist, quack, serviceman, soldier
"Don't Sweat It Out!"
Tags: clean, home, march, military, prophylaxis, serviceman, sweat
"First 2,000,000 Selectees Blood Tested for Syphilis"
This poster shows the rate of infection for each state. These statistics are based on the results of the blood tests given to men during their Selective Service examinations.
Tags: map, military, prevalence, selective service, syphilis
"For Home and Country."
Three figures, a soldier, a sailor, and a pilot, salute a woman and child sitting outside a suburban home. A US flag flies in front of the house. The text advises servicemen to avoid venereal disease with their family and…
"Going on a Furlough?"
This poster shows an African American soldier holding a suitcase and leaving for a furlough. It also encourages servicemen to pick up a copy of a pamphlet.
Tags: African American, furlough, military, serviceman, suitcase
"He Still Needs Your Best"
Tags: military, social hygiene, uncle sam
"Help Fight Syphilis and Gonorrhea"
"Abstinence is the safest measure otherwise 1. use a contraceptive (rubber) 2.…
Tags: abstinence, gonorrhea, military, prophylaxis, serviceman, snake, soldier, syphilis
"Is Your Mind Diseased?"
Tags: mental illness, military, serviceman, social hygiene, woman
"My Boy Was Wounded"
Tags: children, cigar, father, man, military, prostitute, shame, street, street walker
"Placing Navy Medical Posters"
This poster shows all the different places to place medical posters in order to reach many sailors. Most of the…
Tags: military
"Private Caution Says...'Don't Take Chances'"
This is one poster in…
Tags: gonorrhea, military, parachute, pick-up, plane, Private Caution, prophylaxis, serviceman, syphilis, umbrella
"Private Caution Says...'Wake Up, Soldier!'"
This is one poster in…
Tags: gonorrhea, military, pick-up, Private Caution, serviceman, syphilis
"Private Caution Says...Guard Against Syphilis and Gonorrhea"
This is one poster in a series featuring "Private Caution." It…
Tags: gonorrhea, military, Private Caution, prophylaxis, serviceman, syphilis
"She Is True To You! Are You True to Her? Avoid Venereal Disease"
Tags: military, self-control, woman
"Steady Buddy--There's a Come-back!"
Tags: military, prostitute, serviceman, social hygiene, woman
"Stop Sabotage"
This poster features an image of a soldier aiming a gun and likens contracting venereal disease to sabotage.
Tags: gun, military, sabotage, serviceman
"Streamlined for G.I.'s, The New Pro Kit"
This poster advertises that a new prophylactic kit is available for servicemen.
Tags: Cpl. Emax, military, plane, prophylaxis, syringe
"This Ain't No Laughing Matter!"
"Don't Ever Forget When She Has Allure, An Ounce of Prevention, Is Worth A Pound of Cure! So Bear It in Mind--When On One of Your Sprees, It Can Happen to You--Venereal Disease!"
Tags: hospital bed, military, physician, prophylaxis, serviceman, syringe, woman
"Until 1917 Venereal Diseases Always Increased Alarmingly during Mobilization"
"By 1910 American military and civil organizations had begun to take steps to reduce these diseases. DUring the World War the Army, Navy, Public Health Service, medical…
Tags: line graph, military, statistic, war
"Warning: These Enemies Are Still Lurking Around"
"What Kind of Parents Will YOUR Children Have?"
Tags: children, military, social hygiene
"When you've stuck your neck out..."
Tags: animal, military, prophylaxis, sailor
"Will You Go Home With Your Outfit"
Tags: military, quarantine, ship, social hygiene
"Your Face Looks So Familiar"
Tags: hospital bed, military, night, pick-up, sailor, serviceman
"Your Stay Here is TEMPORARY, Syphilis and Gonorrhea are Permanent!"
"Abstinence is the safest measure! Otherwise: 1. Use a contraceptive (rubber) plus 2. Immedicate prophylaxis treatment (know the locations of 'pro'…
Tags: abstinence, gonorrhea, military, prophylaxis, syphilis
Fight Syphilis
Tags: alley, blood test, community, crutch / cane, enemy, fight, home, lab, microscope, military, pick-up, promiscuity, quack, sabotage, school, soldier, syphilis, test tube, treatment
To the People of the United States
(Click on the link below to download the film from the OPA.)