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1942-44 Knock Out This Enemy.jpg
"Don't Be a Casualty to Venereal Disease : It can happen to you! PROphylaxis PROvides Protection!"

This poster advises audiences to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Mujer de la Calle 2.jpg
The poster shows a woman outside a dance hall smoking and associates her with venereal disease.

1942-44 New Pro Kit 2.jpg
This poster promotes new prophylaxis kits. It features the character Cpl. Emax.

1942-44 New Pro Kit 20.jpg
"Always Use Soap and Water First"

This poster promotes a new prophylaxis kit. It features the character Cpl. Emax.

1942-44 No Is The Best Tactic.jpg
This poster promotes prophylaxis.

1942-44 Once the Was a Man.jpg
This poster tells the story of a man who gets drunk, fails to use prophylaxis, and ends up with VD. Part of the "Rum and Women Just Don't Mix Series."

“Once there was a [man]. He thought he was a very smart [man] and said that the [posters] were…

1942-44 Protect Yourself!.jpg
"Use a rubber : Wash with soap and water : Take prophylaxis : These are weapons against syphilis and clap."

1942-44 Streamlined for GIs.jpg
"Simple, Easy, Effective : Always Use Soap and Water First"

This poster advertises that a new prophylactic kit is available for servicemen.

1942-44 Sunk Without Trace.jpg
This poster shows a serviceman's hand reaching up out of the water and warns that VD hurts the war effort. Part of the "Rum and Women Just Don't Mix Series."

"Torpedoed? You Bet Your Life! Hitler didn't do it..but he might just as well have. This…

1942-44 The New One Tube.jpg
"Ask about it : Learn! : Avoid Disease"

This poster advertises new prophylaxis methods to servicemen.

1942-44 Thse Blotch Our Record.jpg
This poster would have been used to keep track of monthly VD cases. It features an image of a record book.

1942-44 When Speed Counts.jpg
This poster advertises a new prophylaxis kit.

1942-44 You Are Americas Defense.jpg
This poster shows a fighting soldier and warns servicemen that their VD hurts the war effort.

1942-44 You Cant Slap a Jap.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease : Pro. Stations in This Area"

This poster shows a Japanese man looking at a graph of VD rates. It advises audiences to avoid gonorrhea so they can fight the Japanese.

1937 Shadow Tests.jpg
This pictorial statistic shows the rates at which syphilis is detected via Wasserman exams when it is given routinely and only when the illness is suspected. The image is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book, Shadow on the…

1938 Horse and Buggy.gif
These photographs show young people parading around the Kips Bay Yorkville area of New York City to promote their anti-syphilis campaign. They are dressed as pilgrims and driving a horse and buggy to bring attention to outdated and backwards ideas…

1940 Drugstore Window.gif
This photograph shows a display about the syphilis campaign in the window of a drugstore in New York City.

1944 Army Posters.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease : Pro Stations in this Area at All Dispensaries"

This poster uses Japanese stereotypes and warns audiences that gonorrhea (clap) threatens the war effort.

1945 CT Druggist Window Display.gif
This photograph shows a anti-syphilis display in a drugstore window for National Social Hygiene Day.

"Clinics give free : Blood Tests : Medicine : Advice : Pamphlets : These are given confidentially : Any one who has been exposed should go at once to a good doctor or a good clinic : By certain tests : The presence of syphilis or gonorrhea germs can…

1937 Keep Up the Flight - Version 2.jpg
This cartoon supports venereal disease control.

1939 Worlds Fair Shadow 2.jpg
This photograph shows an exhibit about syphilis titled, "The Shadow on the Land" that appeared at the 1939 World's Fair. It features a large microscope, photographs of family and children, and a map of the United States. Fair visitors are shown…

1939 Worlds Fair Shadow Sketch.jpg
This is a planning sketch for an exhibit at the 1939 World's Fair.

1939 Worlds Fair Chemistry.jpg
This photograph shows a chemistry exhibit at the 1939 World's Fair.

1939 Worlds Fair Pasteur.jpg
This photograph shows a demonstration of the milk pasteurization process at a 1939 World's Fair.

1939 Worlds Fair PH Bldg.jpg
This photograph shows a mural on the medicine and public health building at the 1939 World's Fair. It shows a scientist doing lab work.

1942-44 IV Triste Fin.jpg
The caption in this poster is in Italian. Lamenting that contracting VD is a sad end to a furlough, it also warns viewers to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 For Prevention of Venereal Diseases.jpg
This poster details how to use mechanical and chemical prophylaxis.

1943 Them Days Is Gone Forever.jpg
This comic poster shows two servicemen discussing the fate of their friend who contracted VD from a pick-up.

"I haven't seen Bill jive around--where is he, anyway? Oh, Bill? He got acquainted with some gal the other day--Well Bill is Kinda…

1943 I Know All About Women.jpg
This comic poster shows servicemen talking about women. One brags he can tell from looking at a woman if she has syphilis. They seek out the medical officer to settle the debate. He explains that only a blood test can confirm if someone has syphilis…

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 6.09.01 PM.png
This is a sexual education film. It address hormones, anatomy, physical health, masterbation, venereal disease, and abstinence. (Click on the link below to download from OPA.)

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 6.00.47 PM.png
This sexual education silent film addresses exercise and physical health, hygiene, hormones, anatomy, procreation, menstruation, and venereal disease. (Click on the link below to download from OPA.)

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 5.58.11 PM.png
This silent film demonstrates the steps for chemical prophylaxis that men can use to prevent VD after having sex.

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 5.30.42 PM.png
This film puts the syphilis problem in the context of the war. It presents the effects of the illness, statistics about how it affects the war effort, and control principles.
(Click on the link below to download the film from the OPA.)
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