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1943 easy to get.jpg
This poster features an image of a woman and warns that VD is easy to catch.

dont wait doomed 1937.jpg
This poster urges people to seek treatment immediately.

"Don't wait - 70% are doomed if treatment of syphilis is delayed for 3 years after the disease is contracted : Consult a reputable physician."

1940 dont gamble with syphilis.jpg
"Consult Health Authorities"

This poster urges viewers to not take chances with syphilis and visit a health care professional.

1940 Dont Be A Dope.jpg
"Pick-ups spread Syphilis and Gonorrhea : Guard against infection : If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station immediately if possible.…

do not believe him 1919.jpg
This poster warns young men not to have causal sex because it is likely they will contract VD.

"If some 'wise guy' tells you that sexual intercourse is not dangerous, the facts are: A girl who would yield to one man has probably had relations…

1941 Diseases of Youth.jpg
"Of all new syphilis Infections, 60% occur In young people between 16 and 30 years of age : 90,000 of the First Two Million Selectees Tested Had Syphilis"

This poster features photos of young people engaging in various activities and warns that…

1944 Diseases of Youth.jpg
"Gonorrhea Strikes Same Age Groups But is 3 Times More Prevalent"

This poster compares the prevalence of primary syphilis among different age groups of men and women. The text and the bar graph indicate that young people have the highest rates.

1942-44 Did You Know.jpg
"THAT the 483 squadron has the 8 BALL with the only VENEREAL DISEASE case for OCT : THAT the man got his infection while on furlough : THAT he did not wear a rubber or take a PRO : THAT the PLAQUE for best effort will be awarded to the 486th squadron…

1944 Chief Cause of Navy Disability.jpg
"More Than Twice as Many Days Lot From Venereal Diseases as From Any Other Single Cause"

This poster conveys that gonorrhea, syphilis, and chancroid are responsible for the most days lost in the Navy.

chicago will control syphilis 1938.jpeg
This poster informs viewers that they can get blood tests locally.

"You may have your blood test free and confidentially at one of the following stations : Chicago Board of Health, Herman N. Bundesen, Pres."

1937 Shadow Injections.jpg
This pictorial statistic conveys that most patients get less that 10 injections of treatment and that only a few injections commonly leads to relapses of syphilis. It uses images of syringes and men sitting and standing to represent the statistics.…

1937 Shadow One Year.jpg
This pictorial statistic shows how syphilis spreads between different people. It uses the spirochete symbol to indicate individuals' status. It is modeled after an epidemiological image from the early 1930s. Here, the image is presented without many…

1930 Case Finding in Familial Syphilis 2.jpg
This chart diagrams the process of finding cases of syphilis within families and how to prevent congenital syphilis.

as old as creation 1937.jpg
This poster advises people to consult their physicians for information on syphilis treatment.

1940 Von Article 3.jpg
This is an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in the US.

1940 Von Article 2.jpg
This photograph shows a trailer clinic in rural Georgia. There is a physician and some African American patients outside the trailer. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in…

1940 Von Article 9.jpg
This image is a poster warning audiences about quack treatments. It urges people to see a physician or health officer. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in the US.

1940 Von Article 10 - Version 3.jpg
This photograph shows a woman examining a syphilis sample under a microscope.

1940 Von Article 6.jpg
This map shows the distribution of legislation requiring pre-marital and pre-natal syphilis tests among the United States. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in the US.

1922 A Syphilitic Baby.jpg
This poster warns women about congenital syphilis. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."

"Every child has a right to be well-born : If the father or the mother has syphilis, the child may be born or defective"

1937 Shadow Platform.jpg
This graphic highlights the important steps in controlling TB and syphilis. It is from a reprint of Parran's article in Survey Graphic on syphilis, TB, and African Americans.

1940 Wounded by Syphilis.jpg
"if exposed Take a Prophylaxis promptly"

This poster urges servicemen to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Easy Pick-ups!.jpg
"'NO'S, the best tactic...the next, PROPHYLACTIC!"
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