"'NO' is the best tactic, the next, PROPHYLACTIC"This poster features images of servicemen outside a prophylactic station and advises audiences to use prophylaxis if they engage in sexual activity.
This social hygiene poster shows a serviceman in a hospital bed who has been sidelined because of VD. The line "Not in the Line of Duty" refers to the fact that soldiers who were ill due to venereal disease were not considered to be injured in the…
This graphic highlights the important steps in controlling TB and syphilis. It is from a reprint of Parran's article in Survey Graphic on syphilis, TB, and African Americans.
This is a pictorial statistic that breaks down the incidence of syphilis by age and sex. It also includes a graphic to compare the total population distribution by age and sex. It is from the article "Stamp Out Syphilis!" from the July 1936 issue of…
This poster shows a serviceman who was left behind because of VD. He watches a boat sail off into the sunset while a large hand labeled VD holds him on the shore.
This poster juxtaposes an image of Hirohito and an silhouette of a young woman, warning that they are both threats to the war effort. It also uses statistics to convey the significant cost of venereal disease.
This photograph shows a woman working with blood samples. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in the US.
This map shows the distribution of legislation requiring pre-marital and pre-natal syphilis tests among the United States. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in the US.
This image is a poster warning audiences about quack treatments. It urges people to see a physician or health officer. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in the US.
This photograph shows a trailer clinic in rural Georgia. There is a physician and some African American patients outside the trailer. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in…
A prostitute in heavy makeup toasts a glass of champagne labeled "venereal diseases." The poster also equates pick-ups, street walkers, and prostitutes with the Axis.
This poster warns women not to associate with men they don't know. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life.""'Pick-up' acquaintances often take girls autoriding, to cafés, and to theatres with the intention of leading them into…
This poster explains how men may transmit gonorrhea to their family and that children can be blinded by the illness. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."
"If the mother has gonorrhea, her child may be blinded at birth :…
This pictorial statistic shows how syphilis spreads between different people. It uses the spirochete symbol to indicate individuals' status. It is modeled after an epidemiological image from the early 1930s. Here, the image is presented without many…
This pictorial statistic conveys that most patients get less that 10 injections of treatment and that only a few injections commonly leads to relapses of syphilis. It uses images of syringes and men sitting and standing to represent the statistics.…
This image juxtaposes two windows that represent society before and after life the promotion of social hygiene ideas. The "before" window reads "vulgar distortion of sex facts," "unsupervised amusements," "unsympathetic attitude of elders," and "low…
This infographic contrasts the rates of adequate treatment in the US and Copenhagen, which are approximately 5% and over 90% respectively. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book, Shadow on the Land.
This poster encourages young women to socialize with young men around their family and friends. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."
"Decent good times lead to more good times because they promote permanent friendships :…
This poster advises women where to seek out information when arriving in a new city. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life.""In A Strange City : For a suitable place to stay and for other information ask the "Traveler's Aid"…
This poster warns about being to familiar with the opposite sex. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life.""The Correct Dancing Position : Conventions are the fences society has built to protect you and the race : Familiarities…