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- Tags: blood test
Blood Test Stamps
"See Your Doctor : Be Examined : Have a Blood Test : Bureau of Social Hygiene : N.Y.C. Health Dept. Cooperating with N.Y. State Health Dept. & U.S. Public Health Service"
Tags: blood test, DOH, test tube
To the People of the United States
(Click on the link below to download the film from the OPA.)
Syphilis: A Motion Picture Clinic
(Click on the link below to access the film at the…
Tags: blood test, syphilis, treatment
Know For Sure
Tags: blood test, children, clinic, death, germ, microscope, microscopic view, pick-up, prostitute, quack, syphilis, treatment
Herald of Social Hygiene (Detail--Bad Business Infographic)
Tags: arm, blood test, court, education, employee, employer, industry, infographic, lock, overalls, pictorial statistic, prostitution, quack, recreation, sports
Fight Syphilis
Tags: alley, blood test, community, crutch / cane, enemy, fight, home, lab, microscope, military, pick-up, promiscuity, quack, sabotage, school, soldier, syphilis, test tube, treatment
"The future is yours...protect it!"
Tags: animal, blood test, exam, syphilis
"The A-B-C of Syphilis"
This pamphlet includes short entires about syphilis in alphabetical order. It was included in National Social Hygiene Day Program Kits.
Tags: blind, blood test, casual contact, children, clinic, cup, death, efficiency, family, gonorrhea, health, heart disease, home, husband, kiss, law, marriage, mental illness, microscope, microscopic view, NSHD, parent, pregnancy, premarital exam, promiscuity, prophylaxis, prostitute, quack, sex, snake, spirochete, sports, syphilis, treatment, Wasserman, wife, youth
"Syphilis: A Message to the Negroes of Mississippi"
Tags: African American, arm, blood test, children, DOH, physician, syphilis, tourniquet, woman
"Syphilis, Its Cause, Its Spread..Its Cure!" (Pamphlet)
Tags: blood test, cure, exam, kiss, lab coat, marriage, microscope, microscopic view, photograph, physician, pregnancy, prostitution, quack, spirochete, syphilis, syringe, test tube, treatment
"Syphilis, Its Cause, Its Spread..Its Cure!" (Detail--Blood Test)
"The completed blood test. The milky solution on the right shows syphilis. THe clear solution means health."
Detail from an…
Tags: arm, blood test, hand, patient, photograph, syphilis, syringe, test tube, vaccination, Wasserman
"Syphilis, False Shame and Fear May Destroy Your Future"
"Have your blood tested."
Tags: blood test, false shame, man, syphilis, woman
"Syphilis May Cause"
This poster warns audiences about the effects of syphilis.
Tags: blind, blood test, deaf, heart disease, mental illness, syphilis
"Syphilis is Bad Business"
"1. Health every employee get a blood test, especially accident and chronic sickness cases. 2. Keep examination results condiential between doctor,…
Tags: blood test, court, DOH, employee, gonorrhea, infographic, physician, pictorial statistic, sports, syphilis, syringe
"Syphilis Can Be Cured"
Tags: blood test, cure, physician, syphilis, treatment
"State Laws Protecting Marriage from Syphilis"
Tags: blood test, exam, map, marriage, syphilis
"Stamp Out Syphilis"
"Every baby is entitled to be born healthy : Blood test & examination should be made before marriage by your doctor or Bureau of Social Hygiene Clinic, 51…
"Stamp Out Syphilis!"
Tags: African American, blood test, clinic, DOH, foot, syphilis
"Stamp Out Syphilis and Gonorrhea"
"Have you had your blood test and examination : Go to your doctor of dept. of health : Bureau of Social Hygiene, 51 Stuyvesant Place, S.I."
Tags: blood test, DOH, exam, gonorrhea, syphilis
"Our Family Are Having Their Blood Tests Like Thousands of Others"
Tags: African American, blood test, children, family, father, man, mother, photograph, physician, syphilis, test tube, tourniquet, woman
"Make Our Men as Fit as Our Machines"
This poster promotes the inclusion of syphilis blood tests in routine physicals.
Tags: blood test, exam, machine, man, physician, stethoscope, syringe, tourniquet
"Know for Sure"
Tags: arm, blood test, man, syphilis, tourniquet
"Health Helps: Jane Has a Healthy Baby"
"Health Helps: Frank and Ann Guard Against Syphilis"
Tags: blood test, children, couple, family, man, marriage, physician, premarital exam, syphilis, woman
"Government and State Clinics"
Tags: blood test, clinic, germ, lab, lab coat, microscope, nurse, photograph, physician
"Good Blood" (Detail--Women)
Tags: African American, arm, bad blood, blood test, shadow, syphilis, syringe, woman
"Find Syphilis"
The poster promotes syphilis tests by employers.
Tags: arm, blood test, employee, industry, physician, smokestack, syphilis, syringe, worker
"Expectant Mothers!"
"You Can Have A Healthy Baby : Ask your Doctor to give you a Careful Physical Examination including Blood Test as soon as you know a Baby is Coming."
"Chicago Will Control Syphilis"
"You may have your blood test free and confidentially at one of the following stations : Chicago Board of Health, Herman N. Bundesen, Pres."
Tags: blood test, syphilis, syringe
"Case Finding in Familial Syphilis and Prevention of Congenital Syphilis"
Tags: blood test, congenital syphilis, contacts, family, father, mother, pregnancy, syphilis, treatment
"Be Fit" Stamps
"Be Fit: Bureau of Social Hygiene, New York City: See Your Doctor : Be Examined : Have a Blood Test"
Tags: blood test, exam, physician
"Are We Checking the Great Plague?" (Detail--Blood Samples)
Tags: blood test, lab, photograph, woman