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1940 examination results are confidential.jpg
This poster conveys that the results of syphilis exams are confidential.

1940 stop syphilis.jpg
"Support Local and State Efforts to Reduce Syphilis"

This poster urges viewers to support community syphilis control efforts.

1940 the enemy is syphilis.jpg
"Enlist employees in a campaign against it"

This poster urges workers to get involved in anti-syphilis efforts.

1941 find syphilis.jpg
"Help Employees Get Blood Tests"

The poster promotes syphilis tests by employers.

1944 Industrial Program Newsletter.jpg
This is a page from a health newsletter created for workers by a industrial health program in Fort Greene, an area in Brooklyn, NY. Each issue focused on different health issue. Two of the issues this year were on syphilis.

1942-44 You Must Play Safe.jpg
This poster advises audiences to use prophylaxis.

1943 They Dont Mix Comic.jpg
This comic poster emphasizes that servicemen, especially when intoxicated, should use prophylaxis.

1938* Hartford Syphilis Display.jpg
This photograph shows a display about syphilis created by the Hartford Public Library. It includes infographics and charts along with some items used in syphilis control. Some of the images are reprints of ones from Parran's work.

chicago will control syphilis 1938.jpeg
This poster informs viewers that they can get blood tests locally.

"You may have your blood test free and confidentially at one of the following stations : Chicago Board of Health, Herman N. Bundesen, Pres."

1942 Knock Out VD.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease!"This poster advises servicemen to use soap, silver, a mercury--prophlyaxis--to prevent VD.

1942-1944 Two New Gremlins.jpg
This poster shows syphilis and gonorrhea gremlins chaining up a serviceman.

1943 MS Syphilis AA Pamplet.jpg
This is the cover for a pamphlet created for African American audiences. It features a photograph of a black woman getting blood drawn.

the great crippler 1937.jpeg
An image of a young girl with a crutch along with the caption warns viewers of the effects of syphilis.
LOC Notes: Produced for the town of Hempstead Health Dept.

as old as creation 1937.jpg
This poster advises people to consult their physicians for information on syphilis treatment.

1942-44 Hello Darling.jpg
"I'll show you a good time --for a price £1. and Syphilis"

This poster features a woman smoking. The text connects her with syphilis.

1941 face the facts.jpg
"Reported Cases : 100,000 under 19 Yrs. of Age : 13,000 between 11 and 15"

This poster presents statistics about syphilis among young people.

1941 six out of ten cured.jpg
"Because They Did Not Wait Too Long"

1941 syphilis may cause.jpg
"Heart trouble, blindness, deafness, mental disorders : Have your blood tested"

This poster warns audiences about the effects of syphilis.

1940 prevent syphilis.jpg
This poster urges couples to take steps to prevent syphilis in marriage.

know the risks.jpg
This poster uses statistics in order to convey that young people are significantly affected by syphilis.

"Know the risks involved : Syphilis is acquired and transmitted largely by youth : Youth should receive special attention : Consult a…

bad blood 1937.jpeg
This poster advises audiences that "bad blood" is another name for syphilis, how the disease is spread, and that six months to a year of treatment is required.
"Your blood is bad means you have syphilis : You can give it to others through sexual…

dont wait doomed 1937.jpg
This poster urges people to seek treatment immediately.

"Don't wait - 70% are doomed if treatment of syphilis is delayed for 3 years after the disease is contracted : Consult a reputable physician."

syphilis strikes 1937.jpeg
This poster informs audiences that 1/10 adults will contract syphilis.

"Consult a reputable physician."

vision can be saved 1937.jpeg
This poster warns that although half of children with congenital syphilis have vision problems, this can be prevented.

"50% of babies born with syphilis have impaired eyesight : Consult a reputable physician."

stamp out syphilis 1938.jpeg
This poster encourages couples to be tested before marriage to ensure healthy children.

"Every baby is entitled to be born healthy : Blood test & examination should be made before marriage by your doctor or Bureau of Social Hygiene Clinic, 51…

stamp out syphilis and gonorrhea 1938.jpeg
This poster urges viewers to have tests and exams to check for syphilis and gonorrhea.

"Have you had your blood test and examination : Go to your doctor of dept. of health : Bureau of Social Hygiene, 51 Stuyvesant Place, S.I."

1943 Axis Partners .jpg
This comic poster shows a serviceman leaving a brothel and then being stalked by anthropomorphized syphilis and gonorrhea germs. The germs are presented as German and Japanese stereotypes. They try to prevent the young man from going to the…

1942-44 Know Your Enemy Syphilis.jpg
"Use a Prophylactic: Go to a Prophylactic Station"

This poster shows a woman calling a serviceman into her room from off the street. A poster in her room and a small Japanese figure tugging on the serviceman's leg associates the woman with the…

1937 Shadow AAs.jpg
This pictorial statistic shows syphilis rates among different African American communities. It uses a symbol of a man with a spirochete on his chest to represent the statistic. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book,…

1942-44 Medal of Horror.jpg
This poster features a blind soldier wearing a sign that reads: "Please Help! Blind from Syphilis"

1942-44 Prophylaxis Octopus 2.jpg
A sword labeled prophylaxis cuts off the tentacles of an octopus labeled VD. The arms have the names of different venereal diseases on them.

1940 Von Article 3.jpg
This is an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in the US.

1940 Von Article 2.jpg
This photograph shows a trailer clinic in rural Georgia. There is a physician and some African American patients outside the trailer. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in…

1940 Von Article 6.jpg
This map shows the distribution of legislation requiring pre-marital and pre-natal syphilis tests among the United States. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in the US.

false shame and fear 1938.jpeg
This poster shows a man and woman bowing their heads in shame and urges audiences to have a blood test.

"Have your blood tested."

1941 syphilis is a dangerous disease.jpg
This poster explains that syphilis can be cured though it is a serious illness.

1942-44 Smart Soldiers.jpg
This poster warns soldiers to avoid pick-ups. It shows a man with a sore on his lip.

1940* Theyre Both Destroyers.jpg
"Avoid 'Venereal Disease' : Gonorrhea and Syphilis Aid the Axis"

1943 Easy to Get.jpg
"Don't take a chance--Take a Pro"

This poster warns that venereal diseases are easy to get. It shows a serviceman outside a bar with a woman. A prophylaxis station is across the street.

1942-44 Your Stay Here is Temporary.jpg
This poster warns soldiers stationed in Asia to avoid VD through abstinence or prophylaxis use.

"Abstinence is the safest measure! Otherwise: 1. Use a contraceptive (rubber) plus 2. Immedicate prophylaxis treatment (know the locations of 'pro'…

1940* Blood Test Pamphlet.jpg
"See Your Doctor To-day : Syphilis Can Be Prevented : Syphilis Can Be Cured : Bureau of Social Hygiene : 125 Worth St. N.Y.C."

This is the cover of a pamphlet about syphilis.

1940* Syphilis and Gonorrhea Poster 2.jpg
"If You Suspect Infection Go to a Reliable Doctor : If you cannot afford a Physician Go to a clinic : Department of Health, New York"

1936 Survey Graphic Reprint.jpg
This is the cover of a reprint of an article from the July 1936 issue of Survey Graphic.

1936 Survey Graphic Reprint 9.jpg
"In Prostitution : In Marriage"

This infographic shows how syphilis is spread in prostitution and marriage. These graphics are based on case records from the NY State Department of Health. The image is from a reprint of the July 1936 article…

1936 Survey Graphic Reprint 11.jpg
This pictorial statistic shows the results for patients who underwent treatment according to different schedules--continuous, intermittent, and irregular. Continuous treatment led to the most satisfactory outcomes for patients while irregular…

1936 Survey Graphic Reprint 14.jpg
This pictorial statistic shows the incidence of syphilis in Sweden 1916-1934. While there was a sharp increase in 1919, new cases decreased dramatically in the 1920s and 1930s. It is from the article "Stamp Out Syphilis!" from the July 1936 issue of…

1936 Survey Graphic Reprint 16.jpg
This pictorial statistic compares the incidence of syphilis in New York and Scandinavia. Even though the two areas have approximately equal populations, New York has 50,000 new cases annually, while Norway, Sweden, and Denmark only have about 2,000.

1937 Infographic Pamphlet 14.jpg
This is a reproduction of the 1/10 infographic originally from the Reader's Digest and Survey Graphic articles by Parran. Here it is included in a pamphlet by Pictorial Statistics, Inc. to highlight their work and the effectiveness of infographics.

1937 Shadow Blindness.jpg
This pictorial statistic conveys that syphilis is responsible for 15% of cases of blindness. It repeats the symbol of a blind man to represent the statistic. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book, Shadow on the Land.

1937 Shadow Injections.jpg
This pictorial statistic conveys that most patients get less that 10 injections of treatment and that only a few injections commonly leads to relapses of syphilis. It uses images of syringes and men sitting and standing to represent the statistics.…
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