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1940* Stamps 3 - Version 2.jpg
These stamps were created to promote blood tests in NYC.

"See Your Doctor : Be Examined : Have a Blood Test : Bureau of Social Hygiene : N.Y.C. Health Dept. Cooperating with N.Y. State Health Dept. & U.S. Public Health Service"

1940* Stamps 5.jpg
These stamps were created to promote blood tests in NYC.

"Be Fit: Bureau of Social Hygiene, New York City: See Your Doctor : Be Examined : Have a Blood Test"

1940 World's Fair Quiz.gif
These photographs show visitors to the World's Fair taking a quiz about syphilis and gonorrhea conducted by the ASHA.

1942 juke joint sniper.jpg
This poster features an image of a woman smoking outside of a "juke joint" and warns audiences that she is a source of VD.

1944 Photos Window Billboard - Version 2.jpg
This photograph shows a display in a pharmacy window. It includes posters, infographics, and objects related to syphilis control.

1944 Photos Window Billboard - Version 3.jpg
The billboard in this photograph emphasizes that men should stay healthy to help contribute to the war effort.

"V.D. (Venereal Diseases) Can Be Cured : Go to Your Doctor or Clinic Today"

1939 JSH Worlds Fair Photo.jpg
This photograph shows a group of people listening to a woman discuss social hygiene at the ASHA's exhibit on the subject at the 1939 World's Fair.

1943 Axis Partners .jpg
This comic poster shows a serviceman leaving a brothel and then being stalked by anthropomorphized syphilis and gonorrhea germs. The germs are presented as German and Japanese stereotypes. They try to prevent the young man from going to the…

1943 Them Days Is Gone Forever.jpg
This comic poster shows two servicemen considering a visit to a brothel. One advises the other against it, explaining how he earlier contracted VD.

"I hear they have some gals up there--Let's give the joint a play-- : No, thanks--that's how I got…

1942-44 Your Country Needs You.jpg
This poster warns that VD is a threat to the war effort.

1942-44 Pro-tection Chart.jpg
This poster shows the various locations where servicemen at the Laurinburg-Maxton Army Air Base can get prophylaxis.

1942-44 Stupid Cupid 7.jpg
This comic poster shows a serviceman who picks up a woman at a dance hall and fails to use prophylaxis. He ends up in the VD ward.

1942-44 Welcome Home.jpg
This poster wards servicemen to "avoid VD" so they can go home "clean" to their families.

1943 They Dont Mix Comic.jpg
This comic poster emphasizes that servicemen, especially when intoxicated, should use prophylaxis.

1944 Most Promiscuous Women .jpg
This poster warns men to avoid promiscuous women. It also includes a map of prophylaxis station locations.

"Don't take a chance, Take a Pro"

1943 Sneaky Professor.jpg
This comic poster warns audiences about the dangers of quack doctors offering fake cures for VD.

1943 Your Face if So Familiar.jpg
This comic poster shows a number of servicemen at a diner. One talks to a woman sitting alone but another soldier picks her up and leaves with her. While the original man is upset that the other stole his pick-up, the other men explain that he was…

1942-44 Batchelor My Boy 2.jpg
Two older men sit having a drink. One says, "My boy was wounded in the African landing." The other man, looking disappointed, replies, "Mine was wounded in this country by a street walker."

1942-44 IV Triste Fin.jpg
The caption in this poster is in Italian. Lamenting that contracting VD is a sad end to a furlough, it also warns viewers to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 For Prevention of Venereal Diseases.jpg
This poster details how to use mechanical and chemical prophylaxis.

1941 Know for Sure .jpg
This poster featuring a happy newlywed couple advises people to be tested for syphilis before marriage.

1943 Them Days Is Gone Forever.jpg
This comic poster shows two servicemen discussing the fate of their friend who contracted VD from a pick-up.

"I haven't seen Bill jive around--where is he, anyway? Oh, Bill? He got acquainted with some gal the other day--Well Bill is Kinda…

1943 I Know All About Women.jpg
This comic poster shows servicemen talking about women. One brags he can tell from looking at a woman if she has syphilis. They seek out the medical officer to settle the debate. He explains that only a blood test can confirm if someone has syphilis…

1944 VDEI Posters - Version 2.jpg
"Guard them against syphilis, Get a blood test today"

This poster advises audiences to get a blood test. It features an image of an African American mother and her baby.

"Children! They are the only real wealth that the nation possesses. Will any one contend that every child's heritage should not be a healthy mind and body? Yet hundreds of thousands of them are denied this heritage, just as hundreds of thousands of…

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 6.09.01 PM.png
This is a sexual education film. It address hormones, anatomy, physical health, masterbation, venereal disease, and abstinence. (Click on the link below to download from OPA.)

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 6.00.47 PM.png
This sexual education silent film addresses exercise and physical health, hygiene, hormones, anatomy, procreation, menstruation, and venereal disease. (Click on the link below to download from OPA.)

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 5.58.11 PM.png
This silent film demonstrates the steps for chemical prophylaxis that men can use to prevent VD after having sex.

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 5.40.13 PM.png
This film begins with the story of a young Italian-American couple whose baby is stillborn due to syphilis. It also tells the story of a young man who contracts the illness from a brothel. The film explains the effects of syphilis, emphasizes the…

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 5.45.54 PM.png
This film was created to educate physicians about venereal disease. It explains symptoms and how to diagnose syphilis, general control principles, treatment, congenital syphilis, and other topics.
(Click on the link below to access the film at the…

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 5.30.42 PM.png
This film puts the syphilis problem in the context of the war. It presents the effects of the illness, statistics about how it affects the war effort, and control principles.
(Click on the link below to download the film from the OPA.)

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 5.23.27 PM.png
This film presents a newly developed Rapid Treatment Center, one of a large system of centers created during the war. It shows the treatment program female patients undergo as well as the "rehabilitative" programs conducted.
(Click on the link below…

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This map shows the distribution of state laws requiring premarital syphilis tests in 1944.

This poster urges all types of people to have a blood test for syphilis.
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