Browse Items (384 total)

blind boys 1919.jpg
This poster features a photograph of young boys and explains that they have been blinded due to gonorrhea.

"These boys are blind because their mothers had gonorrhea, in most cases contracted from the father. Most of the blindness in children is…

1940 NSHD beyond victory .jpg
"Build--Better Health Better Homes Better Communities : Prevent--Venereal Diseases Promiscuity Prostitution : National Social Hygiene Day"

1943 Beware Venereal Diseases.jpg
This poster features a snake and warns of the serious effects of VD--pain, feebleness, sorrow, and misery.

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1942-44 Beware VD.jpg
This poster warns audiences about venereal disease. "VD" grips a serviceman around the waist.

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Beware of Chance Acquaintances 1922.jpg
This poster warns women not to associate with men they don't know. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life.""'Pick-up' acquaintances often take girls autoriding, to cafés, and to theatres with the intention of leading them into…

1940* Stamps 5.jpg
These stamps were created to promote blood tests in NYC.

"Be Fit: Bureau of Social Hygiene, New York City: See Your Doctor : Be Examined : Have a Blood Test"

1942-44 Axis Agents A Toast.jpg
"A Toast to Hitler and Hirohito"

A prostitute in heavy makeup toasts a glass of champagne labeled "venereal diseases." The poster also equates pick-ups, street walkers, and prostitutes with the Axis.

as old as creation 1937.jpg
This poster advises people to consult their physicians for information on syphilis treatment.

1940 Von Article 3.jpg
This is an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in the US.

1940 Von Article 2.jpg
This photograph shows a trailer clinic in rural Georgia. There is a physician and some African American patients outside the trailer. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in…

1940 Von Article 9.jpg
This image is a poster warning audiences about quack treatments. It urges people to see a physician or health officer. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in the US.

1940 Von Article 10 - Version 3.jpg
This photograph shows a woman examining a syphilis sample under a microscope.

1940 Von Article 6.jpg
This map shows the distribution of legislation requiring pre-marital and pre-natal syphilis tests among the United States. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in the US.

1940 Von Article 10 - Version 4.jpg
This photograph shows physicians and patients in a clinic run by the WPA.

1940 Von Article 10 - Version 2.jpg
This photograph shows a woman working with blood samples. This is from an article by R.A. Vonderlehr in Survey Graphic giving an update on the state of syphilis control in the US.

1942-44 Another Enemy 2.jpg
This poster juxtaposes an image of Hirohito and an silhouette of a young woman, warning that they are both threats to the war effort. It also uses statistics to convey the significant cost of venereal disease.

"Men of the armed forces...guard…

1940 Elephant Never Forgets.jpg
"Don't forget to protect yourself against Vd (Venereal Disease)"

1942-44 Almost!.jpg
This poster shows a serviceman who was left behind because of VD. He watches a boat sail off into the sunset while a large hand labeled VD holds him on the shore.

1944 AAFTC All For One.jpg
"Don't Let Your Team Down! Don't Let V.D. Put You on the Sidelines!"

This poster advises servicemen that they are letting down their fellow men if they contract VD.

1936 Survey Graphic Reprint 5.jpg
This is a pictorial statistic that breaks down the incidence of syphilis by age and sex. It also includes a graphic to compare the total population distribution by age and sex. It is from the article "Stamp Out Syphilis!" from the July 1936 issue of…

1922 A Syphilitic Baby.jpg
This poster warns women about congenital syphilis. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."

"Every child has a right to be well-born : If the father or the mother has syphilis, the child may be born or defective"

1937 Shadow Platform.jpg
This graphic highlights the important steps in controlling TB and syphilis. It is from a reprint of Parran's article in Survey Graphic on syphilis, TB, and African Americans.

This poster urges all types of people to have a blood test for syphilis.

1942-44 Big Step Forward.jpg
"The New Pro Kit : Simple, Easy, Effective"

This poster features a cartoon of a serviceman, Cpl. Emax, and promotes a new pro kit.

1942-1944 50 Missions Overseas.jpg
"Suspect! PRO-tect!"

This poster advises servicemen to avoid VD.

1942-1944 2 Months.jpg
This poster features a hand wiping away a graph. It warns that VD requires a long convalescence.

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100 Percent She Deserves 1918.jpg
This is a WWI social hygiene poster directed to servicemen. It features the image of a wife or sweetheart to emphasize continence.

1940 Wounded by Syphilis.jpg
"if exposed Take a Prophylaxis promptly"

This poster urges servicemen to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Youre Doing a Great Job.jpg
This poster shows the Axis leaders congratulating a prostitute for spreading VD. Below them, the venereal ward is full.

Torch 1918.jpg
This poster features an image of a serviceman at the grave of a comrade to promote social hygiene.

Not In The Line of Duty 1918.jpg
This social hygiene poster shows a serviceman in a hospital bed who has been sidelined because of VD. The line "Not in the Line of Duty" refers to the fact that soldiers who were ill due to venereal disease were not considered to be injured in the…

1942-44 Buddy Its Great to Know Youre Safe 2.jpg
"'NO' is the best tactic, the next, PROPHYLACTIC"This poster features images of servicemen outside a prophylactic station and advises audiences to use prophylaxis if they engage in sexual activity.

1942-44 No Is The Best Tactic.jpg
This poster promotes prophylaxis.

1942-44 Easy Pick-ups!.jpg
"'NO'S, the best tactic...the next, PROPHYLACTIC!"
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