This poster features a soldier attacking a snake labeled "syphilis and gonorrhea." It advises servicemen to practice abstinence, condoms, and prophylaxis stations.
"Abstinence is the safest measure otherwise 1. use a contraceptive (rubber) 2.…
"In 1942 This Station Had: [Blank] Cases of Venereal Disease : Prophylaxis Taken Promptly After Exposure Would Have Prevented Them : Venereal Disease Helps the Enemy"
This cartoon shows Hitler pinning a medal on a figure labeled "V.D. Cases" along with others representing "Admiral Complacency," "General Rumor," and "Fifth Columnist Saboteur."
This comic poster shows a number of servicemen at a diner. One talks to a woman sitting alone but another soldier picks her up and leaves with her. While the original man is upset that the other stole his pick-up, the other men explain that he was…
This film begins with the story of a young Italian-American couple whose baby is stillborn due to syphilis. It also tells the story of a young man who contracts the illness from a brothel. The film explains the effects of syphilis, emphasizes the…
"THAT the 483 squadron has the 8 BALL with the only VENEREAL DISEASE case for OCT : THAT the man got his infection while on furlough : THAT he did not wear a rubber or take a PRO : THAT the PLAQUE for best effort will be awarded to the 486th squadron…
This poster advises servicemen to use prophylaxis.
"Don't Ever Forget When She Has Allure, An Ounce of Prevention, Is Worth A Pound of Cure! So Bear It in Mind--When On One of Your Sprees, It Can Happen to You--Venereal Disease!"
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease!"This poster features cartoons of the Axis leaders as syphilis, gonorrhea, and chanchroid. Two hold syringes and one holds a woman in lingere with a skull and crossbones.
"Of all new syphilis Infections, 60% occur In young people between 16 and 30 years of age : 90,000 of the First Two Million Selectees Tested Had Syphilis"
This poster features photos of young people engaging in various activities and warns that…
"In World War I the Army's venereal disease rate was the lowest in its history to that time. The all-time low was reached in 1939, after which the trend was upward. "
This poster explains that venereal disease rates increase during war time. A…
"Outbreak of syphilis infections in a rural county : Monroe County, Tennessee"
This is an epidemiological chart that shows how one syphilis epidemic spread. This image was created earlier in the 1930s. Here it appears with a new heading.
This is the cover to a syphilis pamphlet created for African American audiences. It shows a mother getting her blood drawn for a blood test while her husband and daughter look on.
"Gonorrhea Strikes Same Age Groups But is 3 Times More Prevalent"
This poster compares the prevalence of primary syphilis among different age groups of men and women. The text and the bar graph indicate that young people have the highest rates.