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1942-44 Easy Pick-ups!.jpg
"'NO'S, the best tactic...the next, PROPHYLACTIC!"

1942-44 No Is The Best Tactic.jpg
This poster promotes prophylaxis.

1942-44 Buddy Its Great to Know Youre Safe 2.jpg
"'NO' is the best tactic, the next, PROPHYLACTIC"This poster features images of servicemen outside a prophylactic station and advises audiences to use prophylaxis if they engage in sexual activity.

1942-44 Youre Doing a Great Job.jpg
This poster shows the Axis leaders congratulating a prostitute for spreading VD. Below them, the venereal ward is full.

1940 Wounded by Syphilis.jpg
"if exposed Take a Prophylaxis promptly"

This poster urges servicemen to use prophylaxis.

1942-1944 2 Months.jpg
This poster features a hand wiping away a graph. It warns that VD requires a long convalescence.

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1942-1944 50 Missions Overseas.jpg
"Suspect! PRO-tect!"

This poster advises servicemen to avoid VD.

1942-44 Big Step Forward.jpg
"The New Pro Kit : Simple, Easy, Effective"

This poster features a cartoon of a serviceman, Cpl. Emax, and promotes a new pro kit.

This poster urges all types of people to have a blood test for syphilis.

1944 AAFTC All For One.jpg
"Don't Let Your Team Down! Don't Let V.D. Put You on the Sidelines!"

This poster advises servicemen that they are letting down their fellow men if they contract VD.

1942-44 Almost!.jpg
This poster shows a serviceman who was left behind because of VD. He watches a boat sail off into the sunset while a large hand labeled VD holds him on the shore.

1940 Elephant Never Forgets.jpg
"Don't forget to protect yourself against Vd (Venereal Disease)"

1942-44 Another Enemy 2.jpg
This poster juxtaposes an image of Hirohito and an silhouette of a young woman, warning that they are both threats to the war effort. It also uses statistics to convey the significant cost of venereal disease.

"Men of the armed forces...guard…

1942-44 Axis Agents A Toast.jpg
"A Toast to Hitler and Hirohito"

A prostitute in heavy makeup toasts a glass of champagne labeled "venereal diseases." The poster also equates pick-ups, street walkers, and prostitutes with the Axis.

1942-44 Beware VD.jpg
This poster warns audiences about venereal disease. "VD" grips a serviceman around the waist.

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1943 Beware Venereal Diseases.jpg
This poster features a snake and warns of the serious effects of VD--pain, feebleness, sorrow, and misery.

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1940 NSHD beyond victory .jpg
"Build--Better Health Better Homes Better Communities : Prevent--Venereal Diseases Promiscuity Prostitution : National Social Hygiene Day"

1945 calling all communities .jpg
This poster is promoting community participation in National Social Hygiene Day.

1944 Chief Cause of Navy Disability.jpg
"More Than Twice as Many Days Lot From Venereal Diseases as From Any Other Single Cause"

This poster conveys that gonorrhea, syphilis, and chancroid are responsible for the most days lost in the Navy.

1942-44 Common Sense Protection.jpg
This poster features an image of a soldier in gas mask, drawing parallels between that protection and VD prophylaxis.

1944 Industry Program Infographic.jpg
This infographic shows the community groups involved in industrial health committees and the programs and services they provide.

1942-44 Danger.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease"

1942-44 Did You Know.jpg
"THAT the 483 squadron has the 8 BALL with the only VENEREAL DISEASE case for OCT : THAT the man got his infection while on furlough : THAT he did not wear a rubber or take a PRO : THAT the PLAQUE for best effort will be awarded to the 486th squadron…

1944 Diseases of Youth.jpg
"Gonorrhea Strikes Same Age Groups But is 3 Times More Prevalent"

This poster compares the prevalence of primary syphilis among different age groups of men and women. The text and the bar graph indicate that young people have the highest rates.

1941 Diseases of Youth.jpg
"Of all new syphilis Infections, 60% occur In young people between 16 and 30 years of age : 90,000 of the First Two Million Selectees Tested Had Syphilis"

This poster features photos of young people engaging in various activities and warns that…

1940 Dont Be A Dope.jpg
"Pick-ups spread Syphilis and Gonorrhea : Guard against infection : If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station immediately if possible.…

1940 Dont Be Her Pin Up Boy.jpg
This cartoon features a woman labeled "venereal disease" holding a letter. Photos of three different men are tacked on the wall behind her.

1940* Dont Destroy Parent Powers.jpg
"Gonorrhea, The Great Sterilizer"

This poster warns about the effects of gonorrhea and urges parents not to neglect their children.

1940 dont do this or this.jpg
"Don't go to a quack doctor : Don't buy home remedies : If you think you have a Venereal Disease...See Your Medical Officer At Once : The Army Has the Best Drugs and the Best Treatment"

This poster discourages servicemen from seeking treatment…

1942-44 Dont Drop the Ball.jpg
"Use Prophylaxis!"

This poster advices audiences to use prophylaxis and features an image of men playing baseball.

1942 Dont Sweat It Out.jpg
"When you go marching home--will you be clean and fit? Take a Pro"This poster advises servicemen to use prophylaxis. It includes a space for a list of local prophylaxis stations.

1942-44 Don't Sweat It Out.jpg
"If you've been exposed...Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease"

This poster advises servicemen to use prophylaxis.

1943 easy to get.jpg
This poster features an image of a woman and warns that VD is easy to catch.

1943 Easy to Get.jpg
"Don't take a chance--Take a Pro"

This poster warns that venereal diseases are easy to get. It shows a serviceman outside a bar with a woman. A prophylaxis station is across the street.

1942-44 Ella Puede Ser.jpg
This poster features an image of a woman in heavy make-up smoking a cigarette and warns she is trouble.

1940 Enemy Agent.jpg
This cartoon conveys that venereal disease threatens workers and therefore undermines the war effort.

1942-44 EV a Veces.jpg
"Todavia Resulta Mas Facil Prevenir Que Curar Las Enfermedades Venereas"

This poster warns that sometimes penicillin doesn't work and that it is easier to prevent rather than cure venereal diseases.

1940* You Art a Sabateur.jpg
"...Whether or Not You Get a Venereal Disease You Still Are Gambling With the Freedom of Your Country by Your Carelessness"This poster warns soldiers that failing to use prophylaxis threatens the nation.

1942-44 Every Man Dreams.jpg
"Every man dreams of a healthy family! Don't Let Syphilis or Clap Kill that Dream"

This poster appeals to servicemen's concerns about family, warning that VD could threaten their future plans. It features an image of a young woman and a baby.

1943 fight syphilis and gonorrhea.jpg
"Avoid exposure : Avoid pickups and prostitutes : If exposed, use prophylaxis : If infected, see a medical officer"

1943 Fighting Words.jpg
"'Stop Venereal Disease' : Go to Your Nearest Prophylactic Station : 'V' for Victory"

This poster features an image of a hand of the Axis holds a knife labeled "venereal disease". It urges audiences to use prophylaxis.

1944 Syphilis Map.jpg
"every state has a syphilis problem...Where does your state stand?"

This poster shows the rate of infection for each state. These statistics are based on the results of the blood tests given to men during their Selective Service examinations.

1942 Fool the Axis.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease!"This poster features cartoons of the Axis leaders as syphilis, gonorrhea, and chanchroid. Two hold syringes and one holds a woman in lingere with a skull and crossbones.

1940 For Home And Country.jpg
"Avoid Venereal Disease."

Three figures, a soldier, a sailor, and a pilot, salute a woman and child sitting outside a suburban home. A US flag flies in front of the house. The text advises servicemen to avoid venereal disease with their family and…

1942-44 For Prevention of Venereal Diseases.jpg
This poster details how to use mechanical and chemical prophylaxis.

1942-44 For Protection Use Prophylaxis.jpg
This poster advises servicemen to use prophylaxis.

1940 From Time Immemorial.jpg
"In World War I the Army's venereal disease rate was the lowest in its history to that time. The all-time low was reached in 1939, after which the trend was upward. "

This poster explains that venereal disease rates increase during war time. A…

1942-44 Going Home?.jpg
This poster warns soldiers that their return home may be delayed if they contract venereal disease.

1942-44 Going on a Furlough? 2.jpg
"Ask for a free copy of 'Furlough soldier' at the infirmary before leaving"

This poster shows an African American soldier holding a suitcase and leaving for a furlough. It also encourages servicemen to pick up a copy of a pamphlet.

1940 Gonorrhea Can Be Cured green.jpg
"See your Doctor or Health Officer"

This poster conveys that gonorrhea can easily be cured.

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