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1943 Them Days Is Gone Forever.jpg
This comic poster shows two servicemen discussing the fate of their friend who contracted VD from a pick-up.

"I haven't seen Bill jive around--where is he, anyway? Oh, Bill? He got acquainted with some gal the other day--Well Bill is Kinda…

1942-44 Happiness Ahead.jpg
"Get Full Medical Examination For VD Before Marriage"

This poster advises couples to get VD exams before marrying to ensure their happiness.

1942-44 Every Man Dreams.jpg
"Every man dreams of a healthy family! Don't Let Syphilis or Clap Kill that Dream"

This poster appeals to servicemen's concerns about family, warning that VD could threaten their future plans. It features an image of a young woman and a baby.

1942-44 EV a Veces.jpg
"Todavia Resulta Mas Facil Prevenir Que Curar Las Enfermedades Venereas"

This poster warns that sometimes penicillin doesn't work and that it is easier to prevent rather than cure venereal diseases.

Beware of Chance Acquaintances 1922.jpg
This poster warns women not to associate with men they don't know. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life.""'Pick-up' acquaintances often take girls autoriding, to cafés, and to theatres with the intention of leading them into…

1940 Men as Fit as Machines.jpg
"regular physical check-ups...with blood tests"

This poster promotes the inclusion of syphilis blood tests in routine physicals.

1941 Know For Sure.jpg
This poster advises audiences that a blood test is the only way to know if you have syphilis.

1944 No Place Like Home.jpg
This comic features two sailors. One picks up women all around the world and ends up sick. The other ignores other women and returns home to his sweetheart.

1941 Know for Sure .jpg
This poster featuring a happy newlywed couple advises people to be tested for syphilis before marriage.

1940 your future.jpg
"Don't miss a clinic visit!"

1940 she may look clean.jpg
"Pick-ups : 'Good Time' Girls : Prostitutes : Spread Syphilis and Gonorrhea : You can't beat the Axis if you get VD."

1940 self control is self-preservation.jpg
"pick-ups spread Syphilis and Gonorrhea"

This poster warns servicemen to avoid pick-ups, sources of VD.

1940 Dont Be A Dope.jpg
"Pick-ups spread Syphilis and Gonorrhea : Guard against infection : If you have sex relations... 1. Use a rubber; Urinate afterwards and wash your privates with plenty of soap and water at once. 2. Go to a Prophylaxis Station immediately if possible.…

1937 Shadow Treatment Not.jpg
This pictorial statistic contrasts the progression of syphilis in a person who seeks medical care and one who does not. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book, Shadow on the Land.

1937 Shadow One Year.jpg
This pictorial statistic shows how syphilis spreads between different people. It uses the spirochete symbol to indicate individuals' status. It is modeled after an epidemiological image from the early 1930s. Here, the image is presented without many…

1937 Shadow Menaces.jpg
This pictorial statistic shows syphilis atop a list of health threats including scarlet fever, TB, auto accidents, and diphtheria. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book, Shadow on the Land.

1937 Shadow Injections.jpg
This pictorial statistic conveys that most patients get less that 10 injections of treatment and that only a few injections commonly leads to relapses of syphilis. It uses images of syringes and men sitting and standing to represent the statistics.…

1937 Shadow Blindness.jpg
This pictorial statistic conveys that syphilis is responsible for 15% of cases of blindness. It repeats the symbol of a blind man to represent the statistic. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book, Shadow on the Land.

1942-44 Medals to Pickups.jpg
"Over 40% of the Pickups are Diseased"

This poster features a woman soliciting a soldier on the street. Hitler and Tojo look on, commenting that diseased pick-ups help the Axis.

1943 Easy to Get.jpg
"Don't take a chance--Take a Pro"

This poster warns that venereal diseases are easy to get. It shows a serviceman outside a bar with a woman. A prophylaxis station is across the street.

false shame and fear 1938.jpeg
This poster shows a man and woman bowing their heads in shame and urges audiences to have a blood test.

"Have your blood tested."

1942-44 Wait Soldier!.jpg
"Don't let V.D. do this to you! PROPHYLAXIS will see you through."This poster features an image of a blind man walking with a cane. It warns audiences to use prophylaxis to prevent these effects.

1942-44 Know Your Enemy Syphilis.jpg
"Use a Prophylactic: Go to a Prophylactic Station"

This poster shows a woman calling a serviceman into her room from off the street. A poster in her room and a small Japanese figure tugging on the serviceman's leg associates the woman with the…

1940 prevent syphilis.jpg
This poster urges couples to take steps to prevent syphilis in marriage.

1941 Batchelor Cartoon Strips 11.jpg
This comic shows the positive choices soldiers make when a town provides them with "wholesome recreation" and social events, nice places to stay, and "nice" girls to spend time with. At the end of the comic, Bill and Jim comment that they enjoyed…

1942-44 The Price.jpg
This poster shows a serviceman at a bar being approached by a woman. It implies that the woman is a prostitute who will spread disease.

1942-44 Batchelor My Boy 2.jpg
Two older men sit having a drink. One says, "My boy was wounded in the African landing." The other man, looking disappointed, replies, "Mine was wounded in this country by a street walker."

1941 Batchelor Cartoon Strips 5.jpg
This comic strip shows Jane consulting her doctor and getting a prenatal syphilis test. She has a healthy baby. There is also text accompanying the strip that gives more information.

1941 Batchelor Cartoon Strips 2.jpg
This comic strip shows a couple, Frank and Ann, who consult their physician and get premarital syphilis exams. There is also text accompanying the strip that gives more information.

1930 How Syphilis Spreads 2.jpg
This chart shows the results of an epidemiological investigation of cases of syphilis.

"A physician in a middlewestern city asked the State Health Department to trace the source of infection in 3 cases of newly acquired infectious syphilis in his…

1922 For Happy Married Life.jpg
The poster promotes abstinence and medical exams before marriage. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."

"Love is essential, and mutual respect, common interests, and unselfish consideration are the foundations of love :…

Conventions Which Bring Freedom 1922.jpg
This poster encourages young women to socialize with young men around their family and friends. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."

"Decent good times lead to more good times because they promote permanent friendships :…

1922 Blinded by Gonorrhea.jpg
This poster explains how men may transmit gonorrhea to their family and that children can be blinded by the illness. It is part of a larger poster series called "Youth and Life."

"If the mother has gonorrhea, her child may be blinded at birth :…

1940 NSHD Paper Cartoon.jpg
This comic strip is one in the "Health Helps" series. It shows a worker, Jerry, who visits a quack for syphilis treatment. His employer advises him to see his family physician. It is featured in the NSHD broadside.

1940 NSHD Paper War on Quacks.jpg
This is the cover page of a broadside created and distributed for National Social Hygiene Day. It's headline addresses the year's theme--quackery.

1943* ASHA AA Pamphlet Cover.jpg
This is the cover to a syphilis pamphlet created for African American audiences. It shows a mother getting her blood drawn for a blood test while her husband and daughter look on.

1942 Parents First Best Teachers.jpg
This poster urges parents to deal frankly with their children's questions about sex, connecting social hygiene education to their future success.

"If your child asks a question regarding sex, answer it simply, naturally, and in your own…

1941 Syphilis Spreads Through Prostitution.jpg
"Outbreak of syphilis infections in a rural county : Monroe County, Tennessee"

This is an epidemiological chart that shows how one syphilis epidemic spread. This image was created earlier in the 1930s. Here it appears with a new heading.

1940 two men who had syphilis.jpg
"He took treatments regularly. He didn't."

This poster contrasts the fate of two men with syphilis. It shows a happy man who got treatment and a man on crutches who did not.

1940 Safeguard the Family .jpg
This poster promotes National Social Hygiene Day as a way to protect the family.
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