Browse Items (384 total)

1940 saboteuse.jpg
This cartoon presents prostitutes as a threat to the health of servicemen and the war effort. The female figure is labeled "venereal carrier."

1940 Safeguard the Family .jpg
This poster promotes National Social Hygiene Day as a way to protect the family.

1940 self control is self-preservation.jpg
"pick-ups spread Syphilis and Gonorrhea"

This poster warns servicemen to avoid pick-ups, sources of VD.

1944 AAFTC Without Prophylaxis Pro Axis.jpg
"Venereal Disease Helps the Enemy"

This poster warns that failure to use prophylaxis threatens the war effort.

1944 AAFTC Not Necessary Manhood.jpg
"If You Are Foolish Enough to Expose Yourself--Be Sure You Take a Prophylaxis To Prevent Venereal Disease"

This poster asserts that sex is not necessary and that men who do engage in sexual activity should use prophylaxis.

shame may be fatal 1937.jpeg
This poster urges audiences to visit a physician if they believe they have venereal disease, discouraging feelings of false shame that keep people from hiding their illness.

"If you fear you have contracted a disease don't let false shame destroy…

1942-44 True to You.jpg
This poster features an image of young woman and appeals to soldiers to keep their sweethearts devotion and abstinence in mind.

Bag of Trouble 1940.jpg
This poster warns audiences that women may spread syphilis and gonorrhea.

1940 she may look clean.jpg
"Pick-ups : 'Good Time' Girls : Prostitutes : Spread Syphilis and Gonorrhea : You can't beat the Axis if you get VD."

1942-44 Smart Soldiers.jpg
This poster warns soldiers to avoid pick-ups. It shows a man with a sore on his lip.

1940 Smash the Prostitution Racket color.jpg
"Prostitution spreads venereal disease"

This poster informs viewers that commercial prostitution spreads syphilis and gonorrhea. It promotes the eradication of the system.

1943 Sneaky Professor.jpg
This comic poster warns audiences about the dangers of quack doctors offering fake cures for VD.

1942-44 Soldier Beware!.jpg
This poster advices servicemen to practice abstinence or use prophylaxis to avoid venereal disease.

"Syphilis : Gonorrhea : Abstinence is the Safest Measure! Otherwise 1. Use a Contraceptive (Rubber) 2. Immediate Prophylaxis! Know the Locations of…

stamp out syphilis and gonorrhea 1938.jpeg
This poster urges viewers to have tests and exams to check for syphilis and gonorrhea.

"Have you had your blood test and examination : Go to your doctor of dept. of health : Bureau of Social Hygiene, 51 Stuyvesant Place, S.I."

1937 Batchelor Isnt If Fair to Warn Her.jpg
This is an ASHA order form for posters versions of cartoon titled, "Isn't it fair to warn her?""'Three-fourths of all syphilis infections are acquired by young people between the ages of 16 and 30 years.' : Isn't it fair to warn her? : Syphilis Can…

1938 Stamp Out Syphilis Skyline.jpg
This is a publicity poster for National Social Hygiene Day 1938. "Stamp Out Syphilis" is being broadcast over a suburban community.

1940 stamp out syphilis.jpg
"The Work Projects Administration is Cooperating in the National Campaign to Stamp Out Syphilis! : 1. You are asked to go to your private doctor for a blood test. If you cannot pay for this go to any of the following : City Clinics : Health Center :…

1936 Survey Graphic Reprint.jpg
This is the cover of a reprint of an article from the July 1936 issue of Survey Graphic.

stamp out syphilis 1938.jpeg
This poster encourages couples to be tested before marriage to ensure healthy children.

"Every baby is entitled to be born healthy : Blood test & examination should be made before marriage by your doctor or Bureau of Social Hygiene Clinic, 51…

This map shows the distribution of state laws requiring premarital syphilis tests in 1944.

1942-44 Beam.jpg
This poster warns audiences to use prophylaxis.

Steady Buddy 1918.jpg
This poster warns servicemen about prostitutes and encourages continence.

1944 Still at the Top of the Army Sick List.jpg
"Almost 3 Times as Many Days Are Lost from Syphilis and Gonorrhea As from Any Other Cause"

This poster compares different causes of days lost in the military and shows that venereal disease tops the list.

1942-44 Still at the Top of the Sick List.jpg
This poster informs audiences that even though VD rates in the military are down, syphilis and gonorrhea still cost the military many days lost.

"Though the Army's venereal disease rate rose in 1940 and '41, this trend was checked in 1942 and the…

1942-44 Stop Sabotage.jpg
"prevent venereal disease"

This poster features an image of a soldier aiming a gun and likens contracting venereal disease to sabotage.

1940 stop syphilis.jpg
"Support Local and State Efforts to Reduce Syphilis"

This poster urges viewers to support community syphilis control efforts.

1942-44 Streamlined for GIs.jpg
"Simple, Easy, Effective : Always Use Soap and Water First"

This poster advertises that a new prophylactic kit is available for servicemen.

1942-44 Sunk Without Trace.jpg
This poster shows a serviceman's hand reaching up out of the water and warns that VD hurts the war effort. Part of the "Rum and Women Just Don't Mix Series."

"Torpedoed? You Bet Your Life! Hitler didn't do it..but he might just as well have. This…

1937 Shadow Blindness.jpg
This pictorial statistic conveys that syphilis is responsible for 15% of cases of blindness. It repeats the symbol of a blind man to represent the statistic. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book, Shadow on the Land.

1940* Syphilis and Gonorrhea Poster 2.jpg
"If You Suspect Infection Go to a Reliable Doctor : If you cannot afford a Physician Go to a clinic : Department of Health, New York"

1941 Syphilis and Gonorrhea Waste Manpower.jpg
The poster explains that VD threatens the war effort.

1941 Syphilis and Gonorrhea....jpg
"Wreck Lives, Waste Manpower, Destroy Homes, Cause Death"

This poster warns about the serious effects of VD.

1943 Axis Partners .jpg
This comic poster shows a serviceman leaving a brothel and then being stalked by anthropomorphized syphilis and gonorrhea germs. The germs are presented as German and Japanese stereotypes. They try to prevent the young man from going to the…

1937* Syphilis Unborn.jpg
"Five out of six babies of untreated syphilitic mothers are born dead or diseased."

1942 Syphilis Can be Cured Final.jpg
This poster informs viewers that syphilis can be cured if people are tested and treated adequately.

1940 syphilis could have ruined my home.jpg
"the Doctor found my infection and REGULAR TREATMENTS saved me and my children"

This poster promotes adequate treatment by a physician and reminds viewers that syphilis can affect the family.

1940 examination results are confidential.jpg
This poster conveys that the results of syphilis exams are confidential.

1937 Shadow NYS Scand.jpg
This pictorial statistic compares the incidence of syphilis in New York State and Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Sweden). Though they have roughly equal populations, Scandinavia has a much lower rate of disease. It is a graphic print for an image that…

1936 Survey Graphic Reprint 16.jpg
This pictorial statistic compares the incidence of syphilis in New York and Scandinavia. Even though the two areas have approximately equal populations, New York has 50,000 new cases annually, while Norway, Sweden, and Denmark only have about 2,000.

1936 Survey Graphic Reprint 14.jpg
This pictorial statistic shows the incidence of syphilis in Sweden 1916-1934. While there was a sharp increase in 1919, new cases decreased dramatically in the 1920s and 1930s. It is from the article "Stamp Out Syphilis!" from the July 1936 issue of…

1941 syphilis is a dangerous disease.jpg
This poster explains that syphilis can be cured though it is a serious illness.

1940 NSHD Paper Bad Business.jpg
This infographic informs employers about the components of an industrial syphilis control program.

"1. Health every employee get a blood test, especially accident and chronic sickness cases. 2. Keep examination results condiential between doctor,…

1941 syphilis may cause.jpg
"Heart trouble, blindness, deafness, mental disorders : Have your blood tested"

This poster warns audiences about the effects of syphilis.

1940 syphilis menace to industry.jpg
"Dont Lose Your Pay"

This poster warns viewers that syphilis can cause lead to loss of income.

1937 Infographic Pamphlet 14.jpg
This is a reproduction of the 1/10 infographic originally from the Reader's Digest and Survey Graphic articles by Parran. Here it is included in a pamphlet by Pictorial Statistics, Inc. to highlight their work and the effectiveness of infographics.

1936 Survey Graphic Reprint 3.jpg
This is a pictorial statistic about syphilis rates from the article "Stamp Out Syphilis!" from the July 1936 issue of Survey Graphic.

syphilis strikes 1937.jpeg
This poster informs audiences that 1/10 adults will contract syphilis.

"Consult a reputable physician."

1937* Syphilis Enemy of Youth.jpg
"3 out of 4 syphilis infections are acquired between 15 and 30 years of age."

This infographic breaks down the percentage of new cases of syphilis each year by age. Most who acquire the disease do so between the ages of 15 and 30.

1941* A Million Victims.jpg
This poster conveys that a million people are infected with syphilis each year.

false shame and fear 1938.jpeg
This poster shows a man and woman bowing their heads in shame and urges audiences to have a blood test.

"Have your blood tested."
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