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1942-44 Prophylaxis Octopus 2.jpg
A sword labeled prophylaxis cuts off the tentacles of an octopus labeled VD. The arms have the names of different venereal diseases on them.

1942-44 Medal of Horror.jpg
This poster features a blind soldier wearing a sign that reads: "Please Help! Blind from Syphilis"

1942-44 Another Enemy 2.jpg
This poster juxtaposes an image of Hirohito and an silhouette of a young woman, warning that they are both threats to the war effort. It also uses statistics to convey the significant cost of venereal disease.

"Men of the armed forces...guard…

1943 Them Days Is Gone Forever.jpg
This comic poster shows two servicemen considering a visit to a brothel. One advises the other against it, explaining how he earlier contracted VD.

"I hear they have some gals up there--Let's give the joint a play-- : No, thanks--that's how I got…

1937 Shadow AAs.jpg
This pictorial statistic shows syphilis rates among different African American communities. It uses a symbol of a man with a spirochete on his chest to represent the statistic. It is a graphic print for an image that appeared in Parran's 1937 book,…

1942 How to Check Prostitution.gif
This infographic shows the different ways to prevent prostitution.

1942 Dont Sweat It Out.jpg
"When you go marching home--will you be clean and fit? Take a Pro"This poster advises servicemen to use prophylaxis. It includes a space for a list of local prophylaxis stations.

1942 Amateur Just as Dangerous.jpg
"The army can protect you against many can't keep you from getting a venereal disease Unless you--Pro"

This poster warns servicemen that they can get VD from any sexual partner, not just prostitutes. It also advises them to use…

1942-44 Second Front 2.jpg
This poster shows Mussolini, Hitler, and Tojo pleased with all the soldiers queueing for the VD clinic.

1942-44 Know Your Enemy Time.jpg
"Gonorrhea Steals Time : Use a Prophylactic : Go to a Prophylactic Station"

A large hand labeled gonorrhea reaches for a clock. The poster advises audiences to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Know Your Enemy Syphilis.jpg
"Use a Prophylactic: Go to a Prophylactic Station"

This poster shows a woman calling a serviceman into her room from off the street. A poster in her room and a small Japanese figure tugging on the serviceman's leg associates the woman with the…

1942-44 Youre Doing a Great Job.jpg
This poster shows the Axis leaders congratulating a prostitute for spreading VD. Below them, the venereal ward is full.

1943 Axis Partners .jpg
This comic poster shows a serviceman leaving a brothel and then being stalked by anthropomorphized syphilis and gonorrhea germs. The germs are presented as German and Japanese stereotypes. They try to prevent the young man from going to the…

1941* Penicillin for Gonorrhea.jpg
"but...YOU may be one of the failures!"

This poster conveys that penicillin is an effective treatment for gonorrhea but warns that it does not work in all cases.

1941* No Home Remedy Ever Cured Gonorrhea.jpg
This poster discourages the use of home remedies to treat gonorrhea.

stamp out syphilis and gonorrhea 1938.jpeg
This poster urges viewers to have tests and exams to check for syphilis and gonorrhea.

"Have you had your blood test and examination : Go to your doctor of dept. of health : Bureau of Social Hygiene, 51 Stuyvesant Place, S.I."

stamp out syphilis 1938.jpeg
This poster encourages couples to be tested before marriage to ensure healthy children.

"Every baby is entitled to be born healthy : Blood test & examination should be made before marriage by your doctor or Bureau of Social Hygiene Clinic, 51…

vision can be saved 1937.jpeg
This poster warns that although half of children with congenital syphilis have vision problems, this can be prevented.

"50% of babies born with syphilis have impaired eyesight : Consult a reputable physician."

gonorrhea causes blindness 1937.jpeg
This poster informs the audience that although gonorrhea has serious effects, they can be avoided. A knight stomps down a snake.

"It can be prevented and cured : For examination and free pamphlets go to your doctor or Dept. of Health clinic."

the first 2 years 1937.jpeg
This poster warns about syphilis relapses.

"91% of syphilitic infections relapse in this period : The disease may be transmitted to others who contact the lesion : Consult a reputable physician."

syphilis strikes 1937.jpeg
This poster informs audiences that 1/10 adults will contract syphilis.

"Consult a reputable physician."

shame may be fatal 1937.jpeg
This poster urges audiences to visit a physician if they believe they have venereal disease, discouraging feelings of false shame that keep people from hiding their illness.

"If you fear you have contracted a disease don't let false shame destroy…

dont wait doomed 1937.jpg
This poster urges people to seek treatment immediately.

"Don't wait - 70% are doomed if treatment of syphilis is delayed for 3 years after the disease is contracted : Consult a reputable physician."

bad blood 1937.jpeg
This poster advises audiences that "bad blood" is another name for syphilis, how the disease is spread, and that six months to a year of treatment is required.
"Your blood is bad means you have syphilis : You can give it to others through sexual…

know the risks.jpg
This poster uses statistics in order to convey that young people are significantly affected by syphilis.

"Know the risks involved : Syphilis is acquired and transmitted largely by youth : Youth should receive special attention : Consult a…

1940 prevent syphilis.jpg
This poster urges couples to take steps to prevent syphilis in marriage.

1941 syphilis may cause.jpg
"Heart trouble, blindness, deafness, mental disorders : Have your blood tested"

This poster warns audiences about the effects of syphilis.

1941 six out of ten cured.jpg
"Because They Did Not Wait Too Long"

1941 face the facts.jpg
"Reported Cases : 100,000 under 19 Yrs. of Age : 13,000 between 11 and 15"

This poster presents statistics about syphilis among young people.

1942-44 Hello Darling.jpg
"I'll show you a good time --for a price £1. and Syphilis"

This poster features a woman smoking. The text connects her with syphilis.

as old as creation 1937.jpg
This poster advises people to consult their physicians for information on syphilis treatment.

Children Tomorrow Inherit 1920.jpg
This poster promotes social hygiene among parents and children.

"Now he is building a strong, beautiful body and steady nerves : Soon he will be building ideas and laying foundations for social life : Promote through study groups a better…

the great crippler 1937.jpeg
An image of a young girl with a crutch along with the caption warns viewers of the effects of syphilis.
LOC Notes: Produced for the town of Hempstead Health Dept.

1943 MS Syphilis AA Pamplet.jpg
This is the cover for a pamphlet created for African American audiences. It features a photograph of a black woman getting blood drawn.

1942-44 Stupid Cupid 7.jpg
This comic poster shows a serviceman who picks up a woman at a dance hall and fails to use prophylaxis. He ends up in the VD ward.

1942-44 Kill This Partner 2.jpg
This poster shows the Axis leaders and a mosquito labeled "VD" surrounding a swastika.

1942-1944 Two New Gremlins.jpg
This poster shows syphilis and gonorrhea gremlins chaining up a serviceman.

1942-44 Pro-tection Chart.jpg
This poster shows the various locations where servicemen at the Laurinburg-Maxton Army Air Base can get prophylaxis.

1942 Knock Out VD.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease!"This poster advises servicemen to use soap, silver, a mercury--prophlyaxis--to prevent VD.

1941 Batchelor Cartoon Strips 11.jpg
This comic shows the positive choices soldiers make when a town provides them with "wholesome recreation" and social events, nice places to stay, and "nice" girls to spend time with. At the end of the comic, Bill and Jim comment that they enjoyed…

1942-44 Carelessness.jpg
"Prophylaxis Prevents Venereal Disease"

chicago will control syphilis 1938.jpeg
This poster informs viewers that they can get blood tests locally.

"You may have your blood test free and confidentially at one of the following stations : Chicago Board of Health, Herman N. Bundesen, Pres."

1938* Hartford Syphilis Display.jpg
This photograph shows a display about syphilis created by the Hartford Public Library. It includes infographics and charts along with some items used in syphilis control. Some of the images are reprints of ones from Parran's work.

1943 They Dont Mix Comic.jpg
This comic poster emphasizes that servicemen, especially when intoxicated, should use prophylaxis.

1942-44 Wound Stripe.jpg
This poster tells the story of Private Blotz who contracts VD.

"Citation: George Q. Blotz, A.S.N. 00000000. Private. For conspicuous stupidity on the field of dishonor. On the night of August 4, 1942 Pvt. Blotz went to the town nearest his post.…

1942-44 Help Close this Clinic  2.jpg
"Help Close This Clinic!"

This poster features a venereal disease clinic with a swastika on the roof. It advises servicemen to use prophylaxis.

1942-44 You Must Play Safe.jpg
This poster advises audiences to use prophylaxis.

1944 Industrial Program Newsletter.jpg
This is a page from a health newsletter created for workers by a industrial health program in Fort Greene, an area in Brooklyn, NY. Each issue focused on different health issue. Two of the issues this year were on syphilis.

1944 Industrial Program Unite Poster.jpg
This poster urges community participation in VD control to strengthen the war effort. This version has been personalized for use by a industrial health program in Fort Greene, an area in Brooklyn, NY.

"VD Delays Victory : Let's Know The Facts :…

1942-44 Loaded? 2.jpg
"VD is not Victory : Loose Women may also be LOADED with Disease"

This poster advises audiences to avoid pick-ups because they may be diseased.

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